Morning Star
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May 25, 2022


The Dream:

Barely slept -woke up at the end of this wake/dream state. The yard had many animals all over, but there were three compartments. Two could be closed off completely. One, the bigger one was open like a courtyard. About half of the animals were in one compartment – didn’t quite see what animals were inside. In the main courtyard there were other animals both wild and tame, but they were all moving, eating around each other with no problem. There was a lamb among them (I remember that much). The door to the house was open and there was a lion inside. I started yelling for Mom to contain the lion (what?!!). But for whatever reason she wasn’t there. But somehow I knew if the lion came into the courtyard it would kill the other animals (the lion was female, so I guess lioness). I ran and closed the door just before the lion got to it, but she started hitting the door and almost got a paw out the bottom and almost scraped me. I ran to the other animals and got them out of the courtyard into one of the small compartments. I couldn’t find a latch at first, but eventually found it just before the lion broke down the door. I was still in the courtyard and I stood still. The lion bounded around and roared. She jumped on the fence, bounded back and saw me. She jumped on me and licked me. My face was one of “Really? Why are you licking me?” And my face was turned away a bit from the lion. Then I woke up.

Sleep/sleep eludes me tonight/this morning. Though I just realised it’s now my usual getting up time. So I am up!
It’s halfway through the week. This week of vacation flying a little too fast for my liking, but I am alive so I will give thanks. I am in 98% good health, so I will also give thanks. I’m a bit troubled by the dream, but I will give thanks. I’m not sure exactly what it means though I am tempted to rush into an interpretation. It could also mean nothing, but I rarely have dreams that don’t eventually reveal itself to have a meaning behind it. I will wait on Yahweh and give thanks. Because he is good, his mercy is everlasting. His truth endures through all generations. They try to twist your words to suit their personal agenda but your truth endures through all generations.
They will try to teach what is wrong as gospel, but your truth endures forever. Moses said that nothing is to be added or taken away. This is what you require. We’re not to add to your words or take away from your words. Your word is full and has meaning beyond the obvious, but our interpretation is not found in our personal thoughts and beliefs but in what you revealed to us. You are still teaching us, you are still guiding us. Thank you for inspiring me to walk in your way. Thank you for teaching me your principles. I’m still learning and putting your words into practice, but I am learning. Thank you for your patience with all of us and I pray that in all things we choose to glorify you. In all things.

The Stance:

Yahweh, what to do when others have taken a stance that is morally and spiritually wrong? Should it be accepted if the majority says so?
“The majority is never right.” Because the majority often goes on the easy path or the path that they’ve travelled before and are familiar with. Yahweh, I need your strength, your help, your guidance. That the words I speak would be breathed from you. You set up and you take down. You place your judges and your prophets for a purpose. Help us to fulfill that purpose that you have placed us here for. Let the words we speak be yours and have the wrong to be made right. Take away any arrogance and pride from me and help me to humble myself to you before you and to those you desire me to.

Yahweh, it’s a challenge before us, but there is a confidence that you are in control. That anything that is said and done will be according to your will. Help us to meet this challenge with a song in our hearts. With the full armour that you have provided and you as our champion. Go before us. We still have to fight, but it’s on your terms, not theirs. In your will, help us to move. In your grace, help us to trust. In you, we have everything.

Matthew 18:6-7 –“These little ones believe in me. It would be best for the person who causes one of them to lose faith to be drowned in the sea with a large stone hung around his neck. How horrible it will be for the world because it causes people to lose their faith. Situations that cause people to lose their faith will arise. How horrible it will be for the person who causes someone to lose his faith!

Causes someone wanted to lose their faith. Yahweh knew what was coming (facepalm, duh). Of course you knew. Protect your little ones. They are young and this battle won’t be easy. We are fighting against personal doctrines and ingrained bias. I pray that we will remain fixed on you. On what you have taught and what you desire us to believe. Let your will be done. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for preparing me. I love you, Yahweh.

So initially, I kinda thought the dream was about the young man, but then thought no, that’s my own interpretation because the dream had multiple animals. And then this morning I found that there are others who are being targeted this way. It’s not just one person, and some are new to the faith, lambs so to speak. Yahweh, be their protection. I will stand as you are calling me to stand. Thank you for going before us and clearing the way. Thank you for providing a place of safety. Thank you for your grace, for loving us despite the complete and utter nonsense that we do. Forgive us, Yahweh, cleanse us. Soften our heart so that we hear you and do as you desire and not that we think is right in our own eyes. We are not you. Help us to walk the path that you have set before us. Help us to honour you in all things.

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