time with Yahweh during the day
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February 7, 2022


Deep breaths. Take a moment. Just came back from a site visit. These days, every time we go out we bounce up on something. Today, we saw where someone not only cut on an unauthorised road but also cut protected trees! So now Environment and Forestry has to get involved, fines would be involved. Sigh. Why can’t we just do the right thing in the first place? 

His strength is made perfect in my weakness. 

Right now I am so tired. We had far to go and got back late, but gonna find strength (looking at you Yahweh 🙂 )to make it to the gym. 

And my usual trainer was not there today. Had the gym pretty much to myself, I love days like that. They don’t happen that often especially considering how late I got there. Thank you Yahweh for the quietness this afternoon and for speaking into my life. 

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