Morning Star
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July 16, 2022


I do understand the burning need to talk to someone. I beyond a doubt do. But I am thankful that you have shown me that the best person to talk to is you. And something that was truly driven home yesterday, we all truly have different perspectives on so many things and they may not necessarily be wrong.

For instance: we should not complain. But some take it to mean that if we have a problem we should never talk about it. Ever. Just praise you. Others take it to mean that telling you our problems isn’t complaining – it’s telling you our problems.

And it’s possible that neither is right, or that neither is wrong. I don’t know. But I do know that things work out better when I come to you with my issues even if the “better” is just being able to calm down. But growing up in an era where they championed – don’t complain, I think they threw the baby out with the bath water. You say to bring our cares to you: how can we do that if we never talk about it? Talking is how relationships are built.

I’m pretty sure though that what makes the difference is the attitude. So how do we approach you with our problems?

Yahweh, you are God. You are my king, my provider, my friend. Thank you for your love. What you have done to show your love. I am thankful for where you have brought me from. Today, I’ve got a problem. Truthfully, more than one, but I do have the assurance that you are working things out and if it doesn’t work out, there is something that you require of me. Another obstacle has come up with the prayer retreat and the truth is I feel stretched thin. Someone has to potentially cancel but that means that the funds each person budgeted for has to change. One person said that they’ve already committed to other things. Things are already tight with me and are getting tighter. And by all appearances we’re going to fall short. I realise though that I’ve not actually brought the issues to you. I’ve thought about it at times, but would just say to myself, don’t worry about it. And I’m not going to worry or try and figure out scenarios in my head. Well maybe this will happen or that will happen. Though there are times I am tempted to. But today, I’m truly bringing it to you. Not brushing it aside, I’m bringing it to you. The obstacles that show up are there for a reason. Help me to understand why and to learn from it. Help me to trust you during this season so many things seem uncertain.

When obstacles are just popping up more and more every day. But I guess this is a race – just not a sprint or even a marathon, but the hurdles. But I have the assurance and the comfort that you are here. You care for us and nothing good would you withhold from us. So if it’s withheld from us now, it’s not good right now – it’s there to teach us or to prepare us, prepare me. Thank you for making a way and the reminder that we are more than six weeks away from the deadline date. Six weeks that I will not, should not spend worrying about funds, but time that I will choose to worship you. To honour you, to glorify your name. You are truly an awesome God, you know that? And I am thankful, grateful that you are my God. Thank you for always being there. You’ve been a friend. You are a friend. You will always be my friend. Thank you. I love you to you and back.

Matthew 6:34 – “So don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Psalm 55:22 – Turn your burdens over to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will never let the righteous person stumble.

Hmmmmm. Maybe we don’t turn things over or believe because we don’t think we are righteous. And we’re not self-righteous, but your blood does cover us in your righteousness, making us righteous by association. And you never let the righteous stumble.

Job 4:5-6 – But trouble comes to you, and you’re impatient. It touches you, and you panic. Doesn’t your fear of God give you confidence
and your lifetime of integrity give you hope?

Confidence in you

the words "Don't worry" written in black and pink with green swirls on the top and the bottom

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