Morning Star
Spread the love

September 19, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! It’s a new day! It’s Monday. I know many times people dread Mondays. I don’t actually, even on the Mondays when work can be frustrating. I am thankful for where you have placed me. I am thankful for your provision, for your care. Sometimes when I look back and I see how you move things into place, I am amazed by your providence. And it truly reminds me of your grace and that everything (though it may not feel that way at the time) does eventually work together for our good.

Thank you for every setback in a moment that was a setup for the future. Thank you for every insight that proved to later save us from embarrassment or something worse. Thank you for every time that you saved us. That you protected this family. Thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for everything you are and for what you’ve done for me.

Jesus, You’re the Center – Richard Smallwood

Hymn Medley – Maverick City

Zephaniah 3:15-17 – The Lord has reversed the judgments against you. He has forced out your enemies. The king of Israel, the Lord, is with you. You will never fear disaster again.
On that day Jerusalem will be told, “Do not be afraid, Zion! Do not lose courage!”
The Lord your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy.

Yahweh, I love you. You see this is something that I don’t think we understand well enough. At least I didn’t: That you rejoice over us. You sing over us. Can I be honest? What would it be like to actually hear you sing? Like you, you. Not an angel or an angelic voice here on earth, but you? Personally, even though I’ll drop dead two seconds after, it would be totally worth it. Cause Lucifer as the worship leader was so masterful in this music, I can’t even begin to imagine the one who created him. Which begs the next question: will you sing when we get to heaven? Please? Cause that would be the most awesome welcome. Imma sing too, granted it would pale in comparison, but I am thankful for all that you are. All you’ve done and I will sing for your glory. I love you to you and back.

Mighty to Save – Israel and New Breed

Dance Like David  – Fred Hammond

Joy of the Lord – Maverick City


Awwww. A friend just posted her first music video. “Your Grace” Ndikimwiza Racheal. That is awesome. Happy dance! I pray that she will continue to trust you and hold on to you. Your richest blessings in her life.

So many times, I think about the things we take for granted in my country. I always tell those who complain that it’s a different world out there that many of the things we take for granted and even abuse, others would rejoice to have access to. Like education at no cost to the child. Well they still have to get uniforms and books, but there is no tuition. Transport is available to any student in uniform.

I remember when Jackie told me that she used the money for her business to pay her brother’s tuition for secondary school, I was shocked. Not that I didn’t know that in other countries education is not as accessible, but I had forgotten. Yahweh, thank you for the ways that you have blessed this country. Help us not to take it for granted, but that we will also seek to be a blessing to others. I lift up Jackie before you. Strengthen her. Keep her in your will and I pray that no matter what happens, she will hold on to you. Because you will never let her go. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. I love you.



As I was reading prayers from last week Monday, I prayed that whatever is blocking the processing of my gratuity would be removed. Last week Wednesday a list was produced of persons whose file needed to be audited before going to Accounts for payment. This part of the auditing is simple (verifying that no extra days were taken). But Registry was not giving the files to Audit – they weren’t even requesting the file. My name was on that list. One of the HR Officers decided to pull the files last week Wednesday to give to the auditor who is literally across the corridor from them so that the file can go for payment.

Thank you for moving.  Thank you for answering prayers.



The family was on a tour in the forest. We came upon a well maintained building in the forest. This area wasn’t that dense. We walked up to the top of the building that had a balcony. As we walked along the balcony, we saw a large ship almost like a tanker off the coast. It was red, white and black. It looked fine at first, then the front started to dip. Then it sank. After it sank, it triggered a tidal wave. My youngest brother who looked about ten was a little way from me. There was someone else close to me and Dad was a bit closer to my brother. I yelled to everyone to brace themselves and hold on and then specifically to my brother as the wave was coming. We all braced ourselves and though Dad didn’t get to my brother, he set himself in such a way as to catch him if anything. The wave came and then dissipated. We all were fine. We were even dry. We walked to the front of the building and our shoes and socks were there and also dry. As we went downstairs there were three young ladies saying that they didn’t understand where the wave came from. At that point I ran back up the stairs to put on my shoes and socks. Mom was there watching me and said something that sounded like, “It’s a good thing, Michelle and Claudette were there to look after the chickens.”

I woke up and debated if this was a dream. Yahweh, thank you for your word. Thank you for saving us. I pray for revelation, interpretation about this dream and what you desire to show me. Open my heart to hear and understand you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

This morning I took up a book to read, “Praying in Attack Season.” It’s not a long book, but the first page it opened on was entitled, “The Flood.” and it made me pause and I remembered the dream. The tidal wave that caused a flood, but the flood did not last and we made it though dry. No damage to us. Yahweh, thank you for your grace and protection over us. Thank you for your peace. Yahweh, I pray that we will prepare for the wave. That we will spend time with you. Help us Yahweh to trust you. Thank you for your saving grace. I will trust you. I did call me younger brother and asked him to be alert and to hold on to what Yahweh has taught him.

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