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January 31, 2022


I made it to the gym this afternoon. One of the trainers after a while asked me what was wrong and I told her. My usual trainer had already adjusted my workout based on what had happened last week. I was just glad that I was able to exercise. Yippee!! 

Okay I have to laugh there a bit. The preacher said that so many of us are using the pandemic as a blanket excuse for not doing anything and it reminded me of a customer who came in this morning. Today is the deadline to submit for property taxes. He was granted 2 years probationary occupancy from 2019 to 2021 and he’s attempted to submit that letter to Valuations. It’s basically an attempt to get the lands in his name. I stated that before an updated letter can be provided an investigation would be done to determine if he was actually using the land. He then said that because of Covid that he hadn’t done anything. I smile to myself: the one sector that was not shut down was agriculture. But he did not realise that the reason he was given probationary in the first place was because his track record wasn’t a good one and now the pandemic is his excuse as to why he did nothing for the past three years. Sigh. 



  1. Got to the gym!
  2. Scanning and editing images. They don’t look half bad.
  3. Tiktok video of the program on Sabbath! Clearly I’m easily impressed. But I didn’t even think to take pictures much less to record so it was nice to see.
  4. Someone is playing gospel music.

Thank you for today and for seeing me through. Honestly some days are so quiet it almost feels like little to nothing was done. But you are in every moment and I’m grateful for that. I pray for this community. You have called us all by name. help us to choose to honour you and to live for you. Thank you for the movements in the past and your promises in the future. Rain down on us Holy Spirit that we will all be drawn to you. In your name amen. 

Stop trying to explain to others what God has called you to do. 

We need to keep moving forward even when we can’t see what’s ahead. It’s easy to make excuses and it’s something I’ve done for a while. There are genuine setbacks in life, but even with setbacks when we put our trust in Yahweh, he will continue to move us forward. We cannot live in our excuses. Yahweh, help me not to focus on the excuses of why something did not happen. Help me to focus on what you said. Help me not to try and explain what I think went wrong or why I messed up, but to trust you that you are still in control. 

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