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June 29, 2022


This evening I discovered I like how my sweatpants droop on my waist. It didn’t always do that. But it did today. I’ve only lost about three pounds in the last month. Sometimes these plateaus can be frustration, but I am now the lightest that I have been in about twelve years! Wow. I’m excited and almost at a loss for words. Almost. 

But I am thankful, for giving me the discipline I need. For sorting out the hormonal issues. No lie, I wish it made all the weight just fall off on its own, but it didn’t. I still have to work.  A friend asked me today what I am doing to lose weight. I told him, I count calories. I have to. I weigh my food. I use measuring cups. He was in shock. I told him that I had a choice to continue the way I was or make some changes. I chose to make some changes. It’s been almost two years of losing weight. Being consistent. It gets tiring at times, frustrating, but I keep my end goal in sight. I try not to focus on “within a specific time,” but I set micro goals and work towards that. But I will have to exercise this discipline for the rest of my life. 

The upside? I used to always give away when I bake, now I give away even more. Because I still like to bake, just eating much less of what I bake. And plans for the retreat is on its way! Four confirmed. Four beds. Have to work out the schedule and overall activities, but yayy!!



  1. The car window that finally went up.
  2. Discipline, Discipline, Discipline.
  3. Retreat location booked! Happy dance!
  4. Drooping pants waist (I literally said wiggle, wiggle in my head. Why? I don’t know).

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