October 8, 2022
Yahweh, thank you for today. I did not sleep as intended but I am thankful for the time with you. Thankful for the ideas and what you have placed on my heart. Yahweh, cleanse me, forgive me. I was going to say for being disappointed, but disappointment is not necessarily a bad thing. Yahweh, I am truly disappointed by the actions of the leaders of the church and I don’t know what to do or if I’m even to do anything. Yahweh, I will be still. You are God. I will rely on you. I pray for your grace (facepalm). Your grace is constant and I am thankful for your grace that covers all our sins. I pray for the leaders that they will see you and truly know you. Help me to keep my mind fixed on you. I love you.
- Day twenty-six.
- What you have said.
- Ideas for the standard journals
- You. In all your awesome power.