Morning Star
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June 4, 2022


This has not happened in a while. I can’t sleep. I actually resorted to some old (previous) sleep techniques including listening to sleep meditation and still could not sleep. I wasn’t catastrophizing. I wasn’t overthinking. Still could not sleep. So I stopped trying to sleep and thought about why after all this time I could not sleep. And I realised why. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. Hmmmm. Let’s change that: adrenaline is a heaven of a thing (since adrenaline saves lives).

I’m excited.

I can’t sleep because I’m excited.
Tomorrow (truly today), the youths are putting on a skit. It’s not the first time, but it has been almost two years since we’ve done one!! Then Saturday night, we’re taking them out for a little lime. It’s also been a while since we’ve done that.
Then SUNDAY!! Eeeep!! Argghhhh!
There’s the blog. (Okay both scared and excited for this one).
There’s the celebration lunch.
And it’s Pentecost – Festival of Weeks.
I may not survive this weekend.
(and did I really just write eeeep?! I know I thought it, can’t believe that I wrote it – facepalm).
Deep breaths. It will be alright.
Deep breaths. The Lord is my shepherd.
Deep breaths. The Lord requires me to fan my gifts into flames.
Deep breath. The Lord will never leave me.
Deep breath. He calms me.
Deep breath. He is my anchor.
Deep breath. He knows me.
Deep breath. He loves me.
Deep breath. He guides me.
Deep breath. You are holding me.
Thank you.

So I slept! Thank you Yahweh! Thank you for the breath that lulled me to sleep. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for who you are and for sustaining me. OMG! Another excitement this morning! Got on the scale and saw that I was (finally) under one of my micro weight goals! A total of 97 pounds lost!! Happy dance. Fifty-three more to go, but I’m celebrating anyway. My Honor band and myfitnesspal will rejoice with me also. I know that you do. Thank you! You have been my strength. My guide and I am thankful for every step that you’ve taken with me. Thank you for bringing me thus far. Thank you for your discipline, your strength. Your love. You are indeed everything and I am grateful for everything that you’ve done for me. I love you to you and back.

Psalm 72:18-19 – Thank the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does miracles. Thanks be to his glorious name forever. May the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen!

1 Chronicles 29:13 – “Our God, we thank you and praise your wonderful name.

Psalm 71:19-22 – Your righteousness reaches to the heavens, O God. You have done great things. O God, who is like you?  You have made me endure many terrible troubles. You restore me to life again. You bring me back from the depths of the earth. You comfort me and make me greater than ever. Because of your faithfulness, O my God, even I will give thanks to you as I play on a lyre. I will make music with a harp to praise you, O Holy One of Israel.

Thank you!

It is a high day indeed. Seated on either side of me are my two sisters in prayer for the past three days. This is a high day indeed. It wasn’t planned and even more amazing was the focus of the service:
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Blessed Trinity

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