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April 25, 2022


Yahweh made a decision today: that I needed to put away what I had on the agenda. This evening Dad asked if I could attend a programme with him. Apparently he will be receiving a token and he wanted someone to attend with him. So I’ll be getting dressed and going back out. We will see how it goes. FYI…there will most likely be food. Straight face. Straight face. Keep stepping.

I like old people (after all, I will be one eventually), but sometimes I wonder. I took my dad to the event that was supposed to start at 6:30. We were the first to arrive at 6:25. The rest strolled in from 7-ish, with the main focus coming at about 7:40. The organizers still haven’t reached yet, so nothing has started. I eventually told Dad I was going to the car and sleep, he can stay as late as he wants, I’ll be here when he’s ready.

Tell me how that starts a conversation that young people only want to be on their phone? The assumption being made was that I wanted to go home to be on my phone. Mind you, I’m tired (and I hadn’t even been on my phone the whole time I was there). They’re late and usually by this time I’m preparing to wind up for the evening. I honestly think that they forgot that we “young people” still have to go to work in the morning – they are retired. But that’s folks for you.

Thank you for bringing me to the (almost) end of this “nothing that I had planned happened” day. Thank you for your grace. Remember the old folks, and yes I do mean it. They mean well, even though their words may not always reflect such. Keep them until and I pray that they have fun in you. Thank you.


  1. Unexpected site visits.
  2. Big People Party.
  3. CTRL+ALT+DEL. Lifesaver of computers.

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