March 8, 2022
Day is dying in the West.
Heaven is touching earth with rest.
I remember this song from Sabbath School.
I’ve got a crown. You’ve got the crown. All God’s children got a crown. When I get to heaven gonna put on my crown and gonna walk all over God’s heaven. I have no idea who wrote this song, but it’s definitely a song. Lol.
- Crown of Life: James 1:12, Revelation 2:10 – For those who enjoy the testing and trials.
- Imperishable Crown: 1 Corinthians 9:25 – For those who persevered.
- Crown of Righteousness: 2 Timothy 4:8 – For those who eagerly await for Christ to come again (though isn’t that all Christians? Just saying).
- Crown of Glory: 1 Peter 5:4 – For spiritual leaders.
- Crown of Rejoicing: Philippians 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:19 – For those who evangelised.
So this is my question: Does this refer to actual crowns? I’ve always heard this, and honestly I don’t think it changes the price of bread whether it’s an actual crown or a symbolic crown. But I wonder if it’s an actual crown. When you look at the original word, it means to surround so my wondering is: are we going to wear clothes or are we going to be surrounded by righteousness, rejoicing etc?
So, I will continue this another day. My eyes are burning from this off-kilter day. But I’ll admit while I don’t think this is necessary for salvation, I am curious. So I will do some more searching.
- A working bathroom!
- An off-kilter day. Why? Because it made me truly appreciate the days/timing that usually operates.
- Things to think about.
Thank you for today, I got to see another/deeper glimpse of you. Thank you for your love and provisions for today: low grade headache and all. Thank you.
CONFESSION: I feel for roti. Why? I have no idea.
Thank you for your awesome promises. I love you.