Morning Star
Spread the love

June 12, 2022


Day by Day. It is written so often in your world. We are to live day by day. You provide day by day. Your love is new every morning – every day. Daily Bread. Thank you Yahweh for living in our day to day. For today. 

Psalm 68:19 – Thanks be to the Lord, who daily carries our burdens for us. God is our salvation. Selah

Thank you for your strength and your love. Thank you for your awesome power. You provide. You protect. You surround us and make us yours. Thank you Yahweh for leading me. For your grace and your love towards me. Thank you each day that you have given me. I pray that I will live for you in everyone of those days. That the stress of this world would not overwhelm me.

Yahweh, remember this family. Help us to trust you in  every season. To honour you in our words and actions. To walk in your will. I pray especially for dad. That he would know you as he ought to. That he would spend time with you. It’s kind of funny that yesterday when they got home and I did not come out right away that he asked if I was praying. I said yes. But I pray that the time would come that when I ask him that same question and he will say yes. I pray that his knowledge of you would pierce his heart and not just stay as knowledge in his head. I pray that he will develop a deep understanding of you and that he will know you – as his father, his friend, his comforter. Bless him Yahweh, in All seasons come to the others would know you from his fruit. Thank you Yahweh for all that you’ve done in his life. Keep him until the day you need to until you call him home. Help him to walk in your will.

Wedding Bells!!

A friend is getting married today! He is beyond excited. Lol. Yahweh I pray that the wedding goes well. No hiccups or major issues. But it’s also “just a day.” I pray that their marriage will be blessed. That they will live in unity and choose to honour you in their marriage. I pray that no matter what is going on around them that they would seek you first, that they would be a support for each other. That their lives, their marriage would be a ministry to others. That they would never grow weary with each other but that their love and respect for each other would be renewed everyday as your faithfulness is renewed everyday. Help them to trust you in every season. Keep them Yahweh in your will. Bless them indeed. 

1 Peter 3:8 – Finally, everyone must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love each other, have compassion, and be humble.


1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, love each other warmly, because love covers many sins.


Proverbs 3:3 – Do not let mercy and truth leave you. Fasten them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart.

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