Morning Star
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October 7, 2022


Good Friday Morning Yahweh. How are you? I look forward to the day when we can sit (or walk) and talk. Questions asked and answered: no separation. But I am thankful for the here and now. I am thankful for your love towards us. Thank you for your graciousness towards us. Thankful for who you are. Thank you for everything.

What parts of my life are you shaping to display your character?

  • My body (yep)
  • My creativity/imagination
  • My discipline

Yahweh, at times I can get distracted. I pray for your grace to remain fixed on you. I ask that as you are shaping me that I will truly understand what it means to truly rely on you.

Yahweh, I’ve always heard about “dangerous” prayers. I’ve even prayed some dangerous prayers. But when you answer these prayers, the way that they are answered are oftentimes in such unexpected ways. But you answer. I think you like dangerous prayers – not because they are difficult to answer, but because they show us more of you. Thank you Yahweh for answering prayers. Thank you for choosing to surprise us in the way you answer. Yahweh, I pray for the grace to not lose sight of you and who you are. I pray that even when it looks like nothing is happening that I will still hold on to you. Because you are the source of everything and it’s from you and you alone that everything flows.

Yahweh, today I am yours. To do your will. I choose to glorify you because you deserve the glory and the honour. I choose to speak of your goodness. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


Yahweh, sometimes I truly think you like to tease people. And yes, I am definitely smiling. You said the dam needed to be broken. And I kept thinking in terms of financial blessings (because well, that’s what was immediate at the moment). But while that’s part of what you meant, it’s not all. The question was just asked, “Am I a river?” and I realised that the dam that truly needed to be broken was me. Stop bottling up what I desire. Stop being afraid to speak out. Don’t be afraid to tell the story even though it’s embarrassing. Don’t be afraid to build with others. And after last week I realised that this week, I’ve shared so much. I shared what I stole and how you restored. I shared what happened with Jeffers and almost no one truly knew about that. I had to break the dam in me!

I mean a week ago I would not have thought I would start a business, but here I am. A year ago, if you had asked me to pray (much less pray and fast), I would have only prayed for short time and a hearty no to praying and fasting. Thank you for making me river. Yahweh, help me to water those around me. To grow in you. That we will all flow in your Spirit. In your Holy Name. Amen.


I still always smile when I see the small things in action. Last week my brother paid for Netflix. Today, I’m typing up how my brother said he will pay for Netflix. Yahweh, I pray for the spirit of discernment. The spiritual eyes to see when you are moving. To know when I am to step forward. Yahweh, I claim your promises in my life. I pray for restoration. The devil is to restore what he stole sevenfold. I pray for that and so much more. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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