Morning Star
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August 10, 2022


The posture of waiting: stop asking what I am to do next. I caught myself asking, “Yahweh, what do you want me to do?” And I was like, “Duh. Wait.” You’ve been so explicit with that. And then I opened my journal and the page opened on “Wait on the Lord.” Those were my last instructions. When they change, you’ll let me know.

Thank you for you.

Romans 8:1-2 – So those who are believers in Christ Jesus can no longer be condemned.  The standards of the Spirit, who gives life through Christ Jesus, have set you free from the standards of sin and death.

No longer condemned. 

Condemned: to declare wrong or evil after weighing the evidence. To pronounce guilty. Unfit for use or consumption.

Sometimes the magnitude of what you died to us from can be hidden to our mind’s eye. We think, “Oh we’re not that bad. We’re good people.” And then you read this and remember that because of sin we were declared unfit for use. That nothing we do would be worthy. And then he says, “But you are no longer unfit because I died to save you. I needed you to be a part of my world, so I took away your condemnation. I declared you fit for service and free from the penalty of sin.”

Condemnation : katakrima : penalty, punishment  following condemnation, the results of judgement, an adverse sentence.

It’s funny, some words would have a list a mile long of different meanings. This word? Short list. It can’t be misinterpreted. Well, it’s not likely to be misinterpreted. Can I be honest though? As a people we seem to love to condemn. We, who were saved from certain death, always seem first to condemn our brothers and sisters, but that’s not what you do. You cover us with your grace. You save us and then invite us to partner with you. To live in such a way that we reflect your grace. In the way we treat others and the way we treat ourselves.

You know, sad to say, just saw a perfect illustration of the point. Two dogs were outside and started to bark. They’re dogs and they will bark. But usually because it’s so early in the morning, when they start to bark, I call them back in so that they don’t disturb the neighbours. So I called them back in and they were already inside when I was told that I need to carry a stick when I’m calling them back in. I said in response that a stick wasn’t needed and I repeated it several times.

But this is how we often perceive you. That you’re there with a stick waiting to whack us as we come inside. When in truth, you are just waiting patiently at the door. No stick in hand, but a hug (or in the case of the dogs – a scratch head). And I’m recognising that no matter how much grace is offered, unless we shift our perspective, we will forever walk around with the wrong ideas of what it means to have no condemnation. Not to be confused with no correction. Which is the other mistake we make. Believing that because we are not condemned that you won’t correct us. But your voice is what usually corrects, not a stick. A voice that guides.

Job 5:17 – Blessed is the person whom God corrects. That person should not despise discipline from the Almighty.


(It’s kinda hilarious though that the next verse says: he beats you up. Straight face. You’re killing me here and I’m trying to make your case. Lol. And I know, I definitely don’t need to make your case. You’ve already won).

Correct : yakach ; to decide, adjudge, prove, reason, rebuke, make a decision.

You’ve made a decision that you love us and that you save us. End of story. Except we need to believe. No condemnation for those who believe. Thank you for saving us, for covering us with your grace, your kindness.


the words "covered by grace" written in green with pink swirls on the right side


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