"Speak up" in white letter with gold background
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February 26, 2023


5:47 am : truly wanting to sleep in late


Good Morning Yahweh. You are good. I am loved. Thank you for being good. Thank you for being God. Thank you for your never-ending grace. For knowing us, for seeing us.

Yahweh, help me to know you and to honour you in everything that I do. So on a totally random note. I’m not staying here Saturday nights anymore. I will be outside in communal spaces, but not the party spaces. Even if it’s just me being outside. I pray for your guidance and your grace. Your amazing love. Your promises. Yahweh, I pray that each day I will choose you. Remember this family. Heal us and draw us closer to you.

I lift up Clint before you. Strengthen him to be the man that you desire him to be. That he will continue seeking you and living for you.

JoeJoe. He is going through a season now that is challenging. And I know that challenging is just a sanitised word for so hard that it’s not funny. I pray that he will seek you at all times. That he will feel and understand your love for him. That he will know you. Keep him Father, in your hands. Restore him to you. Redeem the years, the time lost.

Yahweh, question. Redeeming the years the locust has stolen (so I looked for the scripture before asking the question). Does this mean it would be as though those years never happened?

Joel 2:25 – “Then I will repay you for the years that the mature locusts, the adult locusts, the grasshoppers, and the young locusts ate your crops. (They are the large army that I sent against you.)

It  always trips me up seeing the last part – the army that you sent.

Redeem (Bible) – having been saved or delivered from sin or its consequences.

Redeem (Dictionary) – compensate for the faults or bad aspects of.

Restore (Bible) – to return to a person, a specific thing which he has lost or which was taken from him and unjustly detained.

Restore (Dictionary) – to bring back or re-establish, to return to a former position or condition.


So first up, the scripture does not say “redeem”, it says restore. Which weirdly enough (mentally for me), puts a different spin though it does allude to the same idea. But it would not be as though the years of the lowest would not happen, but the negative effects of those years would be restored. We wouldn’t be hungry. We will be satisfied. We will praise the Lord.

Yahweh, I  pray for restoration. To be returned to the way you desired us to be. Your desire for me to be. To know you. To honour you. Yahweh, I am yours. JoeJoe and family are yours. Thank you for holding us even on the days where we see the locusts ravaging the land, because it did not destroy us. We are still here.

Truth is though, sometimes I wonder/wish it would end, that I wouldn’t be here to go through the heartaches anymore. Which truthfully have been more prevalent in my life than joyful activities. But I always hold on to, that you are working all things together for our good and if it’s not good, I can’t give up.

Yahweh, strengthen us in you. To hold on through the bad and the good. However long the bad lasts. Help me to hold on. Because you will restore.

Restore : Shalam :  to be complete or sound (to be safe, secure, uninjured), recompense, be in covenant of peace, make an end.

You will complete what you started. It will be safe, secured. It is a covenant of peace. You are working in us and even though it hurts now, it won’t always. Yahweh, I pray for the spirit of jealousy to be loosed from my life, my spirit. That I be filled with you. Your love. That no comparison will take place because you know what is best. You know the times, the seasons. You know how to restore and what is needed for us to grow. Thank you for your will in my life. Your grace and mercy.

Philippians 1:6 – I’m convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus.

Thank you.

Yahweh, help me. Help me please. To watch my words. To be respectful at all times. I know that I am “the child” in this situation, but I am not a child. So I guess it’s okay to lay the blame at my feet. But so often I am being accused of things in statements being made and when I ask for that not to be done, I’m being cast as the bad one. See the problem is the anger is being transferred to me. Yahweh, help me not to stay angry at the situation or hold it against anyone. Help me to guard my words. That my words will reflect you and honour you.

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