June 4, 2022
And I did not even get to finish what I was writing before and I can’t remember what was the full thought.
Thank you for the day. It is truly amazing how you work. Two days ago you whispered, “the month of coming together.” And while I knew of the “come together” for the prayer and fast, I didn’t truly consider the full magnitude of the “come together.” Churches came together and worshiped today. The youth came together tonight. And tomorrow is another.
It’s the funniest thing that in Solitude is now community. And it was just so funny how the three of us came together this morning. It wasn’t planned. Steph decided impromptu to come and then Angie came and you would think that we planned our outfits too!! We didn’t.
The most miraculous story though was the one of the phone. I had set the scene for the skit and once church was finished, I was packing up and found a phone with a pretty teal cover. I thought it belonged to one of the actors. I picked it up and called out to each of the actors. Each said that it wasn’t their phone. So there were two other people who had been to the table and asked them. One responded in a way that gave the impression that it was his phone. So we gave the phone to him.
This is where it gets weird. Tonight I got a message from someone thanking me for finding their phone and asking me where I found it. I’m confused because I didn’t find their phone. This was a woman. She said her phone had a teal cover. The phone was missing since the morning and she thought that she had left it at home, but when she got home it wasn’t there. One person that she contacted said to her, “The phone isn’t lost, I just know it. You’ll get it back.” Then her cousin – in the UK! called to tell her that the phone was about to be dropped off by his sister. How the UK cousin knew that, I don’t know. But the phone came back and somehow in all of this, I got the credit for the return of the phone. Lol. I did not accept the credit, and I told her straight up, this was God’s working. Definitely praise to him because I can’t even explain what happened there.
It’s now significantly later than my usual bedtime. I’m going to shower and get into bed because tomorrow we celebrate Pentecost/Festival of Weeks with a very Caribbean style menu. I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow. In addition to the family, Steph and Angie coming by, we’re also giving food to the neighbours. And Mom is baking a red velvet cake. Absolutely nothing Pentecostal about that but hey we’re making it work. Thank you for today.
I had no proper voice because of the cold, but I had to sing (and promptly lost my voice afterwards). I don’t regret it though. Because in my heart there rings a melody of heaven’s harmony. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody of love.
- A long, long, joyous day.
- Lost my voice, but totally worth it!
- Found phone, cause like what?!!!
- A coming together of coming togethers.
- Psalm 22-33
Adrenaline has all gone now. Shower, bed. Thank you for today. For washing my sins away. For working in mysterious ways. For being an awesome God. I love you!!