Colossians 1:12 – You will also thank the Father, who has made you able to share the light, which is what God’s people inherit.
Light: manifestation of Yahweh’s self-evident life. Divine illumination to reveal and impart life. The saving truth embodied in Christ and by his love and effort imported to mankind.
Colossians 4:2 – Keep praying. Pay attention when you offer prayers of thanksgiving.
Proskartereó: Continue steadfastly: to attend constantly, I persist, persevere in, continue steadfast in; I wait upon, to do something with intense effort.
Grégoreó: I am awake, I am watchful, on the alert, vigilant.
To look for the expected response. To watch out for danger. To watch that we are not straying from the path.
Watch. Do all while giving thanks.