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February 2, 2023


2:21 am : Where any person would usually be at this time. 

Good morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. New mercies. A new opportunity to do what is right. Thank you for loving this world unconditionally.

So, I’ve been asked how do I know it’s Yahweh speaking or confirming. One way is when I see something repeated. And repeated. This morning I went to YouTube to listen to a sermon or song. I hadn’t decided yet, but my eyes were tied and even though I had read the Bible, it felt like I needed something more before I went back to sleep. I found what the “more” was.

A message was posted (no a video per se, but a link to someone else’s video) and a message that said, “Due Season is here. Stand Still and rest.” In speaking yesterday, I spoke about seasons and the season that I believe I’m in. This morning reading about seasons and also standing still. Which does not mean do nothing, but be ready for Yahweh to move. I pray for the spirit of readiness. To stand still in your word and your promises. Your word that is a joy to eat.

When you’re speaking your word again.

Isaiah 54:16 – I’ve created blacksmiths to fan the coals into flames and to produce useful weapons. I’ve also created destroyers to bring destruction.

This scripture. Tied in with 1 Timothy 1:16. Scriptures of promise.

Not the waiting season, the due season. The season where Yahweh answers prayers. The season where he fulfils his promises. I’m holding on to your promises. I am trusting in your word.  That you will fight this battle for me. Thank you. It’s still amazing to think that you will fight this battle, I just need to stand in you. Stand on your word. Yahweh, I pray for the ministry to grow. I pray for your love to overflow in my life and that I show your love to others. I pray for my life to prosper even as my soul prospers. My soul can only prosper in you.

In you I live and move and have my being. I pray for your words over my life. In my life. I will not let go of you until I see the fulfilment of your word, until you bless me. I’m not limiting you in how you choose to bless and then FYI … I still won’t let go. I will hold on to you. I’ll never let go of your hand.


Galatians 6:9 – We can’t allow ourselves to get tired of living the right way. Certainly, each of us will receive everlasting life at the proper time, if we don’t give up.

Galatian 6:9 (KJV) – And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9 (NIV) –  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


Proper time. 

Due Season.

Appointed time.


Your word Yahweh. I will live in what you have said. I will trust you for what you’ve said. I believe you.

February 1, I rekindled my life’s food journey. I remember someone asking me how I lost weight when they noticed I was losing weight. I said then, that I was always hungry or rather felt hungry, but chose not to eat. And I had to return to that for physical things.

But spiritually, I can eat Yahweh’s word, be filled and still be hungry for more. But it’s not just me being filled. But also filling others, overflowing into others. Your bread. That is for everyone.


Isaiah 55:2 (NIV) – Why do you spend money on what cannot nourish you and your wages on what does not satisfy you? Listen carefully to me: Eat what is good, and enjoy the best foods.


I’m remembering the dream of me buying and eating bread. Where others tried to block and delay. But your work is life and I will seek your word. The Lord’s word will accomplish its task. Thank you for your word. Your bread. Thank you for your promises. None of which come back empty. I will not get weary because in due season. When the waiting is over and the harvest is ripe. We will reap the harvest. Thank you Yahweh.


4:50 am : listening to another sermon.

So “red flags.”

If God isn’t first in their life.

Walk away.

Going to church isn’t the same as having a relationship with God. Jeffers always used to say that if God were to come he would go to hell. Yahweh, I pray that:

  1. He is no longer saying this.
  2. That he committed his life to you.

I’m not looking at him for that type of relationship, but Yahweh, I pray that he seeks you, with all his heart. Touch his heart, to trust you and to know you.

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