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August 29, 2022


Psalm 24:3-4 – Who may go up the Lord’s mountain? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart and does not long for what is false or lie when he is under oath.

Yahweh, create in me a clean heart and purify me. So I will worship you. Yahweh, anything that is not of you, please reveal and give me the grace to remove it. To not hold on to anything that is not of you. Help me to hold on to you and to not let go of what you have called me to do. You are my God. I love you.


  1. Your grace and mercy.
  2. For answered prayers. For your word that will not return to you void.
  3. Ephesians 4-6, Ecclesiastes, Philippians.
  4. Trust in Yahweh.

Guess what?! Happy dance! I’ve read sixty-five out of 66 books of the Bible. The last one is Isaiah, and I intentionally left it for last. And what will I do after? Start over again using a different translation. This is gonna be awesome! Thank you.

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