February 24, 2022
Change is possible. Yahweh thank you for your grace and your love. For a new day in you. Thank you for changing me. Six months ago if someone had told me that I would fall asleep in under an hour most days, I would have said they were lying. If someone has said that I would then willingly sacrifice some of that sleep time (cause you know I love to sleep, even when sleep was elusive), I would have said “Impossible.” But with you all things are possible. Even the things that a person did not think were wrong (per se) with them. I thought it was normal for me to be an insomniac and that it would always be that way. Thank you for the change you brought in my life. Thank you for all your heart and you: a new mind in you.
You know, for years I had as my WhatsApp “status” – “I can see clearly, no the rains aren’t gone.” I was really presumptuous in that statement, though it wasn’t fully about spiritual things, it was truly presumptuous. Now? I will honestly say I was blind, but now I see. I still also say that I am blind and would prefer to stay so. Why? Because I will not trust my sight. (Urrgghhh, why am I so horrible at remembering where scripture is taken from?!!! Sigh. I need to have a search feature in this journal yes). But there’s a text that speaks about not finding our own light, instead our eyes are closed in the darkness because our trust is in you. (Yahweh, I ask today for the mental fortitude to remember not only the scripture, but where it can be found. Please and thank you). Yahweh I will trust you to lead.
It’s funny. Yesterday was 100 days according to the app. I know I read Psalm 16 over and over, I didn’t even notice. It literally said 100 days and 100 weeks (of course the weeks weren’t every day). There’s a scripture that came to mind this morning when I thought about the changes you have made:
Jeremiah 13:23 – Can Ethiopians change the colour of their skin or leopards change their spots? Can you do good when you’re taught to do wrong?
But I’m wondering if this scripture has been out of context for years.
Jeremiah 13:22 – If you ask yourself, “Why do these things happen to me?” It’s because you have so many sins – your clothes have been torn off and your limbs are bare. Can…?
It was a question being asked, not a declaration being made. Yahweh doesn’t need to ask questions, because he knows all. But he asked, “Can you do good when you’re taught to do wrong?” He later declared.
Jeremiah 13: 24, 25 – “I will scatter you like straw that is blown away on a desert wind. This is your fate, the destiny I have planned for you.” declares the Lord.
But he made this declaration after the unanswered question. The fate of anyone who has forgotten Yahweh and trusted false gods is that of straw: easily blown away. We are going to do what we are told to do. So it’s important to be aware of what we are taught and what we learn.
But Yahweh didn’t not make a declaration that an Ethiopian cannot change his skin. He did not declare that you can’t do good if you are taught wrong. He asked a question. The God who knows all, wanted us to answer. The answer given would be what determines the course of our lives. This is your destiny. Based on your/my answer.
Can a leopard change its spot? I say yes. Why? Because I changed. Not of myself but of Yahweh. He has made the offer so many times to give us a new heart. A right spirit. To change our very nature. But also no. A leopard can’t change its spots, but God can. The leopard can change its spots by choosing Yahweh. I can be changed by choosing Yahweh, and then my spots would be changed (I like my melanin though, so don’t think I want that changed literally. Lol). My spots can be changed by the choices that I make. One simple choice changes everything.
Psalm 51: 6,7 – Surely you desire truth in the utmost being; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Purify me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.
Can you do good when you’re taught to do wrong? No. But you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. You teach me and by teaching me (and me allowing myself to be taught) you change me. Whiter than snow.
CONFESSION: Yahweh. Arrrmmm. There is some serious racial bias in the scriptures, you know. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Snow as a visual is powerful. When it’s fallen virgin: it is a beautiful sight to behold. And then someone or something steps on it. And we see a spot. Can the snow take away the spot? No. Can you take it away? Yes. Behold all things have become new.
Luke 18: 26, 27 – Those who heard him asked, “Who can be saved?” Jesus said, “The things that are impossible for people to do are possible for God to do.”
Sigh. So at the end of the day (Lol. Or maybe the beginning of the day in this case), an Ethiopian can’t change the colour of his skin (and ethnically speaking, he shouldn’t because, it’s awesome), but different from how we are often taught. We aren’t made a certain way and can’t change. We aren’t taught one way and stop that way for the rest of our lives. Even traits that we thought were permanent, burnt into my DNA (yes insomnia, I’m looking at you), even those can be changed through Christ. We can be made new by making a choice to be made new in Christ.
(Singing) All things are possible when we believe. All chains are breakable when we receive – Yahweh! You keep your promises! Thank you Yahweh for making the impossible possible. For changing my spots – removing my blemishes. I choose to trust you. I choose to learn from you so that you can change me. You will save.

Trust His Promise
Funny story: there are times when you literally see how Yahweh makes changes that you (i.e. me) wasn’t expecting. The previous image? I was about to write “All things are possible” starting with the word “possible” as it was the longest word. Halfway through, I realised that I had written “promise” instead. The song I had selected to listen to before starting drawing started with “All things are possible…” The next song that came up after I realised what had happened, spoke about trusting his promises.
Thank you for your promise to me. Thank you for saving me, for changing me. For reminding me always that you are not a man: you cannot lie. You keep your promises. Thank you Yahweh.
SIDEBAR: This dog of (not) mine. Calling them back inside and only seeing three. This time, the light was on and I knew that he was not inside. I called his name. No response. Turned on the outside lights (sorry neighbours), but not seeing him. I honestly started to worry that he somehow got out, but I remembered that prayer works and offered a prayer for this absent dog. I called his name again. This time I heard a sound. This dog planted himself behind the flower pot but when I called again he came trotting out like I was now calling him.
Sigh. This dog. Lesson(s) learned: The same way that I kept searching when I realised the dog wasn’t seen, it’s the same way that Yahweh will seek us out. But I also pray that when we are found, that we don’t stay behind the flower pot in hiding. But that we will come trotting out and follow the one who was calling us and seeking us.
I promise that I am not making this up. I am not. As I ended this session of prayer and worship. I went back to the Bible app and just felt inspired to listen to the verse of the day. Most days I read it, but I don’t listen to the video.
Isaiah 55: 1,2 – Come all who are thirsty, come to the waters and you who have no money, come by and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen to me and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.
Me in reading this immediately thinks about us coming to Yahweh. Him filling us and providing us with what we need. Things that no matter how much we work or how hard we work, we can’t get on our own. We would be wasting our time, our efforts, our money to try and buy. But Yahweh offers us freely. All the things we need.
But the speaker said something else and I will attempt to quote:
“Isaiah is talking to a helpless Israel, their failure to listen to God’s promises has doomed them to destruction. But there’s hope. God promises to satisfy the tasty and the hungry with his promises! To feed on his promises, his plans.”
Yahweh thank you for your promises. Thank you for remembering me, fulfilling me spiritually till my cup runneth over. To share with others. Your promises are sure. Your word is freely given for us/for me. You fulfilled your promise in your son. You are a God of your word and I choose to believe it. Thank you Yahweh.
[…] remembered another incident where I did not write what I was intending to, instead I wrote, “Trust his Promise.” Thank you, Yahweh for your promises and for being the promise. Hugggggggsssss. Thank you […]