October 10, 2022
Deep breaths. A lot today. Meetings tomorrow, but for now? Thank you for today. Thank you for your patience. I am tired, but alive. And not frustrated!! Yayyyy! Life is good. Everything is up in the air, but life is good. Have a programme bulletin to design. A programme to plan and work, work. Lol. This is going to be fun.
Thank you for who you are. You are worthy of everything. All the honour. All the praise.
Yep. Now about to tackle change.
As they say, “The only constant is change” in life, but Yahweh does not change his character. Though I wonder, would you be classed as an Introvert, Extrovert, Enneagram 1 or 10. Or all of the above combined? Just wondering. If I had to personify you, I will say all of the above. Because we are all made in your image.
Change (Dictionary):
- To make or become different.
- To form a new opinion or make a new decision that’s different from before.
- To replace with another.
- To switch
Change (Bible):
- To cause to turn or pass from one state to another.
- To put one thing in the place of another.
- A different state by removal.
- A succession of one thing in the place of another.
Psalm 107:33 – He changes rivers into a desert, springs into thirsty ground,
Job 6:29 – Please change your mind. Don’t permit any injustice.
Change your mind because I am still right about this!
Job braver than me, yes!
Malachi 3:6 – “I, the Lord, never change. That is why you descendants of Jacob haven’t been destroyed yet.”
Malachi 3:6 : change : shanah. To repeat, do again, do a second time.
Job 6:29 : change : shub. To turn back, return, go back.
Psalm 107:33 : change : sun/sim. To put, place, set
Romans 11:29 : change not : ametamelétos. Not repented of, not affected by change of mind, without regret.
I think it is truly interesting the many words that translates to change. So technically Malachi 3:6 should read, I, the Lord, does not repeat anything…and this is true. He does not perform anything the same way he did before.
Job, please turn back and do not permit any injustice.
Psalm 107:33 – He sets lakes in deserts.
There are so many other nuances that become evident from the original language that gets lost. Yahweh, help me to understand your word and the nuances of you. Amen.
- My polo being baggy on me.
- A crazy day of blame throwing on the department.
- Day twenty-eight.
- Finding the colour/paper for the journal covers!! Yayyy!!
- Feeling out of time for almost everything that needs to be done.
- Yahweh is good. His character does not change.