Morning Star
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November 2, 2022


Casted Crowns – Jubilee Worship


You be glorified.

King Jesus, we lift you high. You are the only one worthy of all praise. Yahweh, you are great, you are mighty. You are compassionate. You are my God.

Thank you for being who you are. You are true. True to your name. True to your word. True to your character.

Yahweh, cleanse me. Wash me and renew my spirit in you. I pray that I do not lose hope in who you are. That no matter what is going on around me that I will allow you to be my peace and my joy.


2 Corinthians 4:16 – That is why we are not discouraged. Though outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are renewed day by day.


Yahweh, renew me in you everyday. This family. That your light will shine through us and you will be glorified.

Yahweh, your church. Guide us into all truth. Let our hearts be yours. I pray that the spirit of division will be torn from the community. That we will be united under your banner of love. Thank you for still loving us in our mess. But not leaving us there. Thank you for your graciousness. Be exalted. Be enthroned upon our praise. You are exalted.

Yahweh, I need you. And I need your help. To honour you especially in the area of finances. I am struggling, but I don’t want to be a slave to debt or money. It should be used as a tool for your glory and for our benefit. Not something that we are stressed about or worried about constantly. Help me to be a better steward of what you have given. Help me to pay off these debts and not be beholden to anyone but you.

My finances will be used to exalt you. Bless me Yahweh. Bless this household. I will do your work. I will put in the time. Lead me in the path of righteousness.

Finances: My monthly income is yours to use, to guide. Moment of truth: I have not had a full tank of gas in more than six months. Each day seems to be getting harder. Help me Yahweh to do your will.

Heal and restore. Maintain for your glory. Confession: I don’t desire to live to pay bills. The majority of the salary is going towards bills at the moment.  I pray for a change in how it is used. Yes, bills are to be paid. But I pray for investments. For furtherance in your ministry. To build your kingdom.

And there are the debts. Truthfully I don’t know how much is owed at the Credit Union. I haven’t seen a balance in years. Realistically it should have been paid off over the past seven years, but I don’t know. I pray for your intervention and guidance in the situation. Show me what I ought to do, to pay off these debts faster.

Basic Maths: if I pay this minimum for the credit card, in two years it should be paid off. The next card can be paid off in eight months if I pay a certain minimum.

I can focus on those two for now, then transfer those resources to the last card and it can be paid off in two years. That’s five years. The loan will also be paid off by then.

Yahweh, help me to remain fixed on you. To not lose hope. I have no problem adjusting, but I also see no way to build in the foreseeable future. Yahweh, I need your help, your guidance, your supernatural intervention because we can’t live here married. We do need our own set apart and do not desire to rent. Help us Yahweh to be able to build before marriage. To know what to do. In your Holy Name.

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