The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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February 2, 2023


2:19 pm

I love, love site visits!! I can feel the excitement still. But I’m taking it easy at the moment. Lunch of cabbage and peas. Yeah. Definitely back on my lifestyle. This detox though is “no sugar” and while I don’t use a lot of sugar, I do like sugar in my tea, and so haven’t felt like drinking tea.


8:30 pm : Sitting up in my room

I’ve honestly been thinking about what to say. These are the options:

  1. Can I get an Amen?
  2. Wooottwoott!!
  3. I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!! (This one must be sung of course).


Today…well, I just got home, got home. Had to pick up my aunt at the airport. Her flight was delayed almost five hours, but after work, I decided to just head down airport side because if I went home it would be a struggle to leave again. After picking her up I passed home so she could say hi to Mom and Dad and what do I see waiting for me?

My refund cheque!! Like what?!! Amen!! Hallelujah!! After tithes and offering, I can purchase a slipper/shoe. So excited. Thank you for your provision. I will rejoice in everything. Thank you for today. I love you.

I found myself actually noticing guys today. Glad I’m not dead. Lol. Well I know I’m not, but so often I rarely see guys that I look at and find physically attractive. But I actually saw one today. There’s hope!


What am I thankful for today? 

  1. Walking though bush!!
  2. Actually thinking a guy was attractive.
  3. All the meetings went well.
  4. Tax refund!! Say what?!!


Thank you. Yahweh for being here for me. Thank you for your grace and love. I love you.

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