Morning Star
Spread the love

May 14, 2022


Good morning Yahweh. How are you this morning? Do you still rest on the Sabbath? And considering there seems to be this divide about Saturday and Sunday what do you do? Does it matter?

Thank you for another day in you. Thank you for clearing my thoughts and seeing my heart. Thank you for loving me beyond all imagination. Thank you for being God. You alone are God.

Today, I give my life to you. It is in your hands to use for your glory. I’m thankful for the opportunity to honour you. What do you want me to do today? I guess I will see. Yahweh I bring before you, your daughters. I pray for your  covering over us. That the choices that are made would be good and pleasing in your sight. Yahweh, there is so much wrapped up in these women. Both “good” and “bad.” The pain from trials they have gone through/are going through. The gifts that you have given to each of us. Yahweh, I pray for the grace to trust you in both. To lift your name in both. To know that through your love, everything that we are going through is ultimately for your glory.

Remember the heart prayers of your daughters. We know that nothing is too hard for you and I pray that you would move among us. Show us what we need to do and when we are to be silent. Show us what you desire of us. Thank you for hearing us, Yahweh. Thank you for being in control. Thank you for being God above all, who sees every part of us. Who knows us intimately and loves us without reservation. You called us daughters. We are yours. Thank you for who you are. 

“The men” are also yours. Some may be choosing to hide right now, but nothing, no one is hidden from your sight. I pray each day will be done in honour of you. That they would put the thoughts of others aside and choose you, your ways, your love. That they would weigh the choices that are brought before them and choose what would lead to you and will bring them into harmony with you. I pray that their wives would live in honour to you and would be the counterpart you have called them to be. Teach and provide so that every word and thought would be wrapped up in you. 

Thank you for the way that you work. Thank you for meeting us where we are, for seeing past the obvious and seeing our hearts. Thank you for your everlasting love for us. I love you.

Deuteronomy 33:27 – The eternal God is your shelter, and his everlasting arms support you. He will force your enemies out of your way
and tell you to destroy them.


Psalm 36:5 – O Lord, your mercy reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.


Psalm 86:12-13 – I will give thanks to you with all my heart, O Lord my God. I will honor you forever because your mercy toward me is great. You have rescued me from the depths of hell.


Nothing is hidden from you. Not our deepest thoughts that we have and are afraid to admit to.  Yet you love us just the same. You comfort us and you desire us. Thank you for having all the parts of us. Help us to love all of us and to honour you with it. Thank you for hearing my heart and for your healing. I love you to you and back. 

Not by might. Not by power. But by my spirit, says the Lord.

By your spirit Yahweh. Only you. Thank you for your guidance. I pray for the right words to speak with Steph. It’s not something that is easy to talk about, but even in the darkest moments you are there. Thank you for the reminder that you will move. You are moving, and that’s what is done is by your spirit. 


Spread the love