Morning Star
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July 6, 2022


Thank you for the early morning wake up call. I will always appreciate it, because one: it meant that I slept. Two: it means that I am alive. Two things that I am very thankful for.

Thank you for the gifts that you have given me. For the opportunities to use them for you. Just was reviewing and revising the poem/spoken  word, (not even sure what combination it is) and in it I said that the church wasn’t built brick by brick. After that I opened the Bible (app) and front and centre was a reading plan that said, “Brick by Brick: Rebuilding What Matters.” I think the app has been peeping at my script. But I figured why not use a reading plan for the next few days? It has been a while – Yahweh, I pray today that I will learn more of you – however you choose to share today and that by your grace, others would be blessed. That I would share your love to others. That your church would grow, not by brick but by people. So often we think that church is the building. It’s not, it never was and never will be. Help us to always remember that we are your church and everything is built on you.


Do my prayers remember others?

Do they reflect my trust in God?

Do they show a sense of entitlement?

I need to examine myself. Critically. Is what I do of Yahweh or of myself?


Yahweh, thank you for your grace that covers a multitude of sins. Grace that searches and purifies the heart. I truly never thought of grace as something that purifies. As a covering, absolutely, but your grace also purifies. Yahweh, I pray for your church, your people. This local congregation. We are far from perfect, but your grace is. We don’t always know the words to say, but your grace does. We come before you, asking for you to renew our spirits in you. For our hearts, mind and bodies to move by your Spirit. To step away from the things that plague this world and to be a place of rest. A place of safety. Where those who are weary. Who are hurting can find comfort, support and see your grace at work. Thank you for being the God of grace. For showing us, you and for teaching us your words. Write them on our hearts so that we can be called your people. Thank you for your healing and your restoration. Help us to keep trusting you for day to day. It’s not about us. It’s about you. Any spirit (of division, of anger), anything that is not of you, help us to humble ourselves and remove it from our midst so that we can live in accordance to your will as one people under you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.

Titus 2:11-12 – After all, God’s saving kindness  has appeared for the benefit of all people. It trains us to avoid ungodly lives filled with worldly desires so that we can live self-controlled, moral, and godly lives in this present world.

Of my goodness! An agouti ran across the road while I was driving. I know plenty people eat them (sorry, not my cup of tea, lol). I know that they are pests for farmers. But I do like to see them running. The manicou not so much.

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