September 4, 2022
Yahweh this my prayer. The dam that is holding everything back needs to break. Only you can do it. Holy Spirit I pray for your intervention to loose the restraints that are holding back what you have in store for me, for us. Break the dam and flood the plains. Water the earth.
Isaiah 45:8 – Rain down from above, you heavens, and pour down righteousness, you skies.
Let the earth open. Let salvation and righteousness sprout.
Let them spring up. I, the Lord, have created them.
You will not see me fall.
What I saw in the Spirit:
Everything was piling up. At first the thought was, the bills were piling up, problems were piling up and then I realised that the blessings were piling up: being blocked behind a dam.
You are God. You control the heavens and the earth. You, Yahweh have complete dominion in my life. Break the dam that is blocking what you have for me. Forgive me for every thought that is not of you. Restore. Thank you for restoration. But in your restoration you promise double and more. In restoration there is a new covenant there is reward. You have restored. Yahweh, break the dam. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
- I will not give up now.
- Wait and hope are tied to you.
- You have broken the dam.
- You are more than enough.
Psalm 33:7 – He gathers the water in the sea like a dam and puts the oceans in his storehouses.
You are God. You rule and reign. You put in the dam and you break the dam.
Exodus 15:11 – “Who is like you among the gods, O Lord? Who is like you? You are glorious because of your holiness and awe-inspiring because of your splendor. You perform miracles.
You perform miracles. Yahweh you are glorious and you cannot let the devil have the final say. How will it look that I followed your directions and I fell? I have no problems looking like a fool, but Yahweh your name cannot be laughed at. You are God. Miracles are easy for you. This is easy for you. Break the dam.
Renew our covenant. The seeds that you give me, I will continue to sow. And sow. Time, ideas, finances. Whatever you give me Yahweh, it will be sown. In ever increasing circles. I’ve sown, I’ve waited. Yahweh the first harvest is due and the second harvest soon after. Yahweh. You are King. You work miracles. You are the miracle. Break the dam.
Thank you for the fulfilment of your promises. It has come to pass. Amen.