Morning Star
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September 12, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your love and your goodness and mercy. Thank you for being faithful. Yahweh, the thought is on my kind: so many other officers have received their gratuity. I don’t even know or could figure out the status of mine. While I do know this isn’t the promise, I pray that whatsoever is blocking the processing of the gratuity before the close of this fiscal year would be removed. I pray that all obstacles in my life, in the lives of Steph and Angie be removed. Whatever that is not of you that is preventing any communication, that is coming between what you desire of us, please take away. If it’s something in us, in our hearts, reveal to us, cleanse us and help us to walk upright. We know that we live in a sinful world and that we have fallen short of your desires – we fall short everyday. But I am thankful for your faithfulness and your righteousness that covers us and fills the gap.

Micah 6:8 – You mortals, the Lord has told you what is good. This is what the Lord requires from you:
to do what is right, to love mercy, and to live humbly with your God.

Yahweh, this is our prayer today. That we will live lives that is right in your sight. BTW … it’s a paradox: for our righteousness is as filthy rags and yet we can still do what is right.

And the thought that was just placed in my spirit was that the only way for the two to be true is to trust you. To fix our eyes firmly on you. Yahweh, I am yours.

The gifts that you have given, Lord. It’s amazing the ways that you have blessed us. I truly never understood that there were aspects that you desire for all of us. Yahweh, I pray for your revelation and renewing. That we will use your gifts for the edification of your people. For growth and your glory.

Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your Spirit that dwells in me. Yahweh, remember this community: each person. There are those who are intentionally blind to your calling. Remove the scales from their eyes that they may see. Clear their ears that they will hear your voice and not turn away from it.

Yahweh, help me to maintain and to grow what you have given. That peace that comes only from you.  From being in your presence. Thank you for your presence that is everywhere! That not matter where I go, you are there. Let you Spirit have full reign in my life. And I just realised something: the gratuity. You desire more for me. I still don’t know how you desire to work it out, but I understand that to give me gratuity now would fill the immediate needs, but would dull my desire for more in you and from you. I would have fallen into the trap that this is your answer when you are calling me to more.

Yahweh, I pray for your grace and humility to walk out what you desire for me. To not settle for little. To live in your abundance. Abundance of peace, abundance of hope and love. Abundance of resources – whatever form they take. To live in the flow of you.

Blessing Flowing – Curtis Jordan

See, this is why I’m gonna keep trusting you. I’m going to keep listening for your voice in the noise of this world. Yesterday I wrote that I think I understand why Elijah ran after Mt. Carmel. It wasn’t just Jezebel’s threat, it was the “crash” after the spiritual high. And then this morning…this morning as I’m sketching and decided to listen to the sermon that was posted all of three hours ago, only to hear that the sermon is about after Mt. Carmel and the voice that will try to overwhelm us.

Thank you. Because it truly was something that I realise that it would be easy to fall into. Help me Yahweh to listen to you. To turn my eyes to your voice and switch off the distraction of other voices that are not of you. (Yes, my eyes). I pray for your ministers. That their anointing will remain. That they will not turn away from who you are calling them to be. Strengthen them in you.

the words "Blessings Flowing" written in orange and pink. There are green swirls on the lower right hand side.

A Prophet’s Fast

So yesterday, I honestly thought I wanted to continue fasting and praying until the answer from Yahweh is manifested in the physical. And I dismissed the thought because it kinda felt self-serving – as though I’m trying to force Yahweh to do my will. And I apologised for the thought.  I was thinking of seven days. And then this morning as I’m listening once more to Elijah (I tell you the amount of times this story has been on repeat recently, it’s amazing) and the thought of praying and fasting comes up again. But this time for forty days.

Elijah went through a period of great spiritual high and ran for forty days away from Yahweh.

Jesus went through a spiritual high and went into the wilderness for forty days to be with Yahweh.

One didn’t necessarily choose to fast. The other did. For both, they heard Yahweh’s voice. One before the fast. The other after.

September 12, 2002 to October 21, 2022

Yahweh, I do not want to run from you. I desire to walk in your will. To live in the flow of you. To dedicate this time to preparation for the journey ahead. Yahweh, I pray for your strength. Your provision for the grace to make it through. I don’t know where this will take me, other than closer to you. Bringing a thought to you now: there is the potential to lose weight on such a fast. Help me not to focus on that but to remain fixed on you.

I ask for your permission for this fast to be modified for Friday evening dinner with the family. Books and videos should be according to you. I was wondering if you’re “allowed” to have fun during a fast. As in reading other than the Bible or other defined spiritual books. Was specifically wondering about spiritually based novels. Didn’t see a problem with non-fiction. But I remembered:

Matthew 6:16-18 – “When you fast, stop looking sad like hypocrites. They put on sad faces to make it obvious that they’re fasting. I can guarantee this truth: That will be their only reward. When you fast, wash your face and comb your hair. Then your fasting won’t be obvious. Instead, it will be obvious to your Father who is with you in private. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you.

Like what? I am shocked. So the King James Version says, “shall reward thee openly,” which of course gives a connotation of something public. But the God Word’s version just says “reward you” and so do other versions. So of course out comes the Greek. Which says “reward you,” not reward openly. The part that shocked me was the word, “reward.”

Reward : apodōsei : (root word – apodidōmi), to give up, give back, return, restore, to deliver, to put away by giving, to pay off, to recompense, perform.

Yahweh, I know you don’t need me to give back to you. But I desire to. And while a “reward” is nice, I pray that the biggest reward will be an unbreakable connection with you. To you. I pray for Holy Spirit to be manifested in me from now until you return or call me to you. I pray for your grace and strength for today. In your will. I pray for provision. To pay the outstanding bills with the knowledge that it’s not the full manifestation of what you desire and that I will not rest in what I see, but that I will rest in you. Help me to move away any distractions.

2am and 2pm

Your dedicated time. Yep, Imma alarm. I know that you wake me up, but I desire to be a sacrifice unto you, so want to make the conscious effort to worship you. This is my prayer, my desire in you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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