April 7, 2022
Today is Daddy’s birthday!! Thank you Yahweh for your watchful care over him: for bringing him to see another day. Another year! Yahweh I pray that he will always find favour in your eyes. Draw him close to you, help him to seek you at all times and understand that you are his father and friend and that he can always trust you. Yahweh, provide for him. He is retired, he’s worked from since young and to provide for his mom and siblings when their father died. I asked that he never be in want. That his days would be blessed and his heart at rest and his mind at peace.
Cleanse him Yahweh of anything that is not of you. Restore him to his rightful place to lead his household as the priest. Any pain, sickness, disease that is knocking at his store, send it back please to where they came from so they do not come near him.
Remember his descendants unto the third and fourth generation. May he get to see them and bless them. I pray that his heart will always be lifted to you in sacrifice of grace. For every trial that he has to go through, may he find strength to go through it and to trust you. I pray that any weapon that is formed against him or has formed or will form will not come near him or his family. He is yours and yours alone. Remember his wife, that she will be a helpmate. To guide and to support. Help them to work together in unity the way you desire all couples to work together. I pray that their love and respect for each other will continue to grow and be a light to others in this world that others will desire to know you better. Touch him and keep him Father. Strengthen him. Hold him. Provide. Lead him in the way that he should go, until you return. Yahweh, I pray that he will have the strength of Moses until the day you call him. We know that until you return that that is a part of life, but I asked that he be strengthened and kept until you are ready for him. Thank you for him being a good father who sought to honour you and set an example for his children. May he be honored and prospered for his life. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. Keep him in sound mind, keep his heart close to you. Keep him in all truth. Thank you for another year added to his life. Thank you for your love and grace. Thank you.
Yahweh, I pray for “the men.” Their names are written and you know them. You know what they need, what course their lives should take. Lead them, Yahweh in your part of righteousness and help them to be humble in you. Not false humility, but the true humility that comes from honouring you as their father and King. May they always seek your face. They are under attack because they are your representatives here on earth. They are your anointed – I pray that they may be so surrounded on every side, that they will stand in the confidence that you are a shield. You are their God and they can trust you. That though the arrows may fly, that they will not come near them. Yahweh, I pray that if they have entered into any Covenant that is not of you that it will be broken and their walls repaired. Plant them by your Living Waters so that they will produce fruit. That they would be strengthened. They would stand tall and be a shade to those they are called to serve.
They are talented. Touch them Yahweh that their gifts would be a blessing and not a curse. That they would use their gifts to honour you and to praise you. May they prosper so that their household would not lack any good and necessary thing including their presence. Thank you for your presence in their lives. I pray that they will always choose to be in your presence. Living a life that is holy and acceptable to you.
Today Yahweh, as they go out, protect them from anything that is not from you. Lead them into all truth. Heal them from any illness. Break every chain that binds them and wrap them in your cause of love. Thank you for being God.
Our Saviour.
Our King.
Our Father.
Our Friend.
Our Example.
Our Love.
Thank you for being all that we need, our everything. This is my prayer in the precious, almighty name of Jesus. Amen. I love you. Thank you.
Your Blessings in Their Lives.
Isaiah 30:23 – the Lord will give you rain for the seed that you plant in the ground and the food that the ground provides will be rich and nourishing. When that day comes, your cattle will graze in large pastures.
Psalm 136: 25 – He gives food to every living creature because his mercy endures forever.
Exodus 15:26 – He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his command and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer because I am The Lord, who heals you.”
Ezekiel 11:19 – I will give them a single purpose and put a new spirit in them. I will remove their stubborn hearts and give them obedient hearts.
Isaiah 65:21-24 – They will build houses and live there. They will plant vineyards and eat food from them. They will not build houses and have others live there. They will not plant and have others eat from it. My people will live as long as trees and my chosen ones will enjoy what they’ve done. They will never again work for nothing. They will never again give birth to children who die young, because they will be offspring blessed by the Lord.
The Lord will bless their descendants as well. Before they call, I will answer. While they are still speaking, I will hear.
These and other blessings I claim for “the men” in your name. Bless them indeed.