January 8, 2022
I’m not like most people around me. In short, I’m not considered the norm. But you created me and there has to be a reason you made me the way you did. Help me to discover the full purpose of my calling. I do understand that we have different callings at different stages in our lives. Thank you for using us.
SIDEBAR…formality is not equivalent to reverence.
Yahweh, I love the way you work!
Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a clean heart, o God; and renew a right spirit within me.Â
Create us anew. That was what I was focused on this morning. It was wonderful to hear it echoed at church this morning.
Yahweh help me here. Is discipline your love language? Because that not making any sense. Discipline is an act that can be represented in any one of the love languages. I am so often disturbed by what he says. Yahweh help me not to be “defensive”(?). Not to reject the good in what he says. But no lie, it’s getting harder and harder each time.
It’s interesting that the pastor would speak about love languages after realising that if my love language is quality time, then that’s how you would express it (primarily) to me. But you are all encompassing and you reach all of us with what works best for us. But you give gifts to all. You spend quality time with all. You affirm all through words. You touch us all (Sigh. You know why). You are in service to all of us. And we also respond in return. But without faith it is impossible to please you. I believe faith is your love language. Because it pleases you when we trust you.
You express your love through your continued faithfulness to us.
It’s just been confirmed. It doesn’t make a difference sharing any type of revelation with some persons. I tried with the love languages and was basically dismissed, and was told don’t worry. But I wasn’t worried, I was excited and it keeps happening. So any revelation on this journey isn’t for everyone. Yahweh, I pray that even though our journeys are different, that they all lead towards you.
But it highlighted a problem. I keep feeling the desire to share what I’ve learnt. I don’t consider myself a preacher, teacher or evangelist. I’ve always said that as much as I love writing, I have little desire to write a book (novel or otherwise), but I write a lot (this is my case in point). I’ve thought of creating a blog(?) based on my journals this year to share what you have revealed to me. I don’t know if it would be read, but I keep having this desire since the idea came.
“A Year in Solitude”. “Prelude to Solitude”
Yahweh the idea is strong in my head, but if it is not your will for me, please close the door. I’m thinking of a mix of the writings and images. But done anonymously.
Yahweh, I’m bring before you Joejoe and his wife. He said today that marriage is miserable. That he feels like nothing he does helps and that he also doesn’t feel poured into. You know the situation better than I do. Better than they do. You are God. Heal their marriage. Help them both to forgive and to learn from each other and to adapt. Compromise is a bad word when it comes to integrity and core beliefs, but it is necessary in a marriage. He prayed for so long for a wife. It is so sad to hear him say that marriage is miserable. The blessing you gave can become a curse if we let it. Show them how to communicate or whatever they need to do. Heal them. Individually and together. And I don’t mean to sound like I’m giving orders (facepalm). I’m truly not. But it can be so easy to lose sight of the way two people came together in the first place. Help them to remember.
Mark 10:8,9 – And the two shall become one flesh; so that they are no longer two, but (united as) one. Therefore what God has united and joined together, man must not separate.Â
Honestly, I’ve always equated this text to an interloper in the marriage. But it also applies to the couple themselves. When we pray for a spouse or anything for that matter, we pray believing in the answer. If the answer was indeed yes from Yahweh, then we have to fight hard at the times when it gets tough. The answered prayer doesn’t change because it got hard. It got real.
Yahweh, so often we go into situations with rose coloured glasses. But you are still there when they come off. We need to seek you. I pray that their blessings still remain a blessing. Yahweh I pray also for myself. I truly don’t want the yes to a prayer, what I once counted as a blessing to become a curse. Help them to do the work. Help me also to do the work.
My thoughts are yours. I submit them to you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for the love you’ve shown towards us.