Spread the love

March 23, 2022


There was no need to lie. That’s the thought that keeps going through my mind. There was no need to lie. In fact telling the truth would have tipped the case slightly in their favour. But they chose to lie. It wasn’t accidental, it wasn’t coerced. It wasn’t done to protect anyone, not even themselves (wouldn’t have been right, but at least understandable). They chose to lie, because they could post up there are so many scriptures that speak against lying.

Proverbs 12:22 – Lips that lie are disgusting to the Lord, but honest people are his delight.

Proverbs 12:19 – The words of truth last forever, but lies only a moment.

This is so true, the lies were discovered very quickly. Yahweh. I feel it coming. There will be a reckoning. Something is going to happen that will shake us to the core. I don’t know if it would involve me personally or if I will be personally attacked, but something is coming. There has been an almost constant revelation of duplicity around me lately. Yahweh, I pray for your continued guidance and protection. I know what you have promised and I will hold on to you and your promises.

Psalm 120:2 – O Lord, rescue me from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.

Yahweh, thank you for your protection. You are mighty to save. Thank you for your love and for being my champion. I will hold on to you and trust your promises. Thank you for being good and for being The God who cannot lie.
Honestly, when I discover that someone lies, it actually breaks my heart and I recognise that mentally I sever all connection with them – personally especially. I do not want to be associated with deceit in any way, shape or form. I’ve always known that I’ve had a strong aversion to lying. I’ve seen it destroy innocent people. I’ve seen it tear people apart, families apart with little possibility of reconciliation. But it’s even worse when they have no reason to. None.
Sigh. It will be okay. Thank you for having my other students. Thank you for showing up and revealing the truth. Thank you for being truth incarnate, for being my God. My saviour, my protector, my friend, my champion, my father. I love you.


  1. That Yahweh is the God of truth. There is no lie found in him.
  2. Exploring little known places.
  3. Yahweh’s continuous protection.

You know, you are truly a good God. I keep looking back at the promises you have highlighted. You have so many promises, but there has been a trend in most of them. You are truly preparing me.
Life, to be close, to hear and Answer, victory, to restore, to be faithful, my daily bread (btw, do you eat in heaven? I don’t know why I wondered but I did), to be the light, to fight, to heal, beautiful feet, to stand, that I would find you and you would hide me, a purpose, to protect, to be an heir, to rest, to choose (I choose you, Yahweh – just making it abundantly clear. I will walk away from anything you ask and will choose you everyday). To be the anchor, a future, a king. Wow. I’m speechless. Writing them all together. Just wow. Thank you. Thank you Yahweh.

Psalm 121 – I look up toward the mountains. Where can I find help?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let you fall. Your guardian will not fall asleep.
Indeed, the Guardian of Israel never rests or sleeps.
The Lord is your guardian. The Lord is the shade over your right hand.
The sun will not beat down on you during the day, nor will the moon at night.
The Lord guards you from every evil. He guards your life.
The Lord guards you as you come and go, now and forever.

Trust your promise.


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