January 15, 2023
5:45 am : On my bed
I am alive. That’s a good thing. The hot water heater was working properly again last night, so was able to bathe in nice warm water. That translates to that I slept a little over seven hours. Yahweh, thank you for a night’s rest. Anndddd!! For the thought to leave the wrap off. This morning my hand felt better than it has in days.
You know why funnily enough, while the hand was/is painful, why wasn’t I worried? And it may seem strange. You know I prayed for healing, but I also know what you are asking me to do in this season and it requires the use of my hands. The devil may try, but by your grace, he will not succeed in stopping your plans. Thank you so much for your guidance. Your grace and favour. Thank you so much for your amazing love. You are a friend. You are the friend of all friends. That friend that sticketh (Lol, I went KJV) closer than a brother.
Thank you for your healing power. Yahweh, heal our church. Well, yes our. I’m a part of it. We need your healing power to flow through and mend the cracks and broken pieces. Let your will cover us and help us to move as you require. And I love that it doesn’t mean that we don’t have thoughts, but that our thoughts are part of your desire for us. Help us to work in your will. To honour you in all things. To trust you beyond what we see.
I am currently doing a reading plan. I think it has three more days to go. The part that is a bit strange to me is that I don’t know what to study specifically. Like study, study. And maybe it’s not about studying every minute. Yahweh, I’m open to you. To what you desire to say and what you require of me. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your everlasting love. I love you.
Psalm 143:8 – Let me hear about your mercy in the morning, because I trust you. Let me know the way that I should go, because I long for you.
This is my prayer. Amen.
Ephesians 6:14-18
How to have the difficult conversations in relationships.
- Be truthful. Speak the truth in love. Why do I feel the way I do?
- Be righteous. Do my words please God?
- Pursue peace. Find ways to respectfully navigate differences.
- Have faith. Love believes the best in people (what about like?).
- Have the word. What does the scripture say about the topic?
- Pray. About everything. For the right spirit. For guidance.
9:32 am
My goal today? Rest. Well I have a meeting at 10. Just finished another meeting which was a pre-meeting to the ten o’clock meeting. But other than that? Rest. My hand is feeling even better than it did when I woke up, which is good because I also just received an order for one of our journals. But they don’t want a standard colour. I don’t mind the exception since it’s for a birthday. But will have to do everything tomorrow. Hoping I can find a sparkly purple paper tomorrow.