Morning Star
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July 29, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for this new day.

1 Samuel 15:22 – Then Samuel said, “Is the Lord as delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as he would be with your obedience? To follow instructions is better than to sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrificing the fat of rams.

To obey. Yahweh, I do desire to obey. There may be times I do wrong or I hear wrong. Forgive me. Cleanse me and set me on the right path.

You know, last night, I was typing up journal entry “Two Open Doors”, and I asked for directions – what to do? And I remember getting the impression to help, though initially I had said I would stay far because I did not like what I was seeing. Then when I was removed from the team I thought, I should have gone with my thought before I prayed. But as I’m reading that text (1 Samuel 15:22), this thought occurred to me: you know all. You plan all. You know the outcome of every decision and out of that “disappointment” a group of young people have come together to worship, to support each other, to pray and to share your gospel. And that is a good thing.

And then I remembered Joseph. I’ve always said that you planned what happened to him. He had to go to Egypt. Granted the brothers could have done otherwise but he would have ended up in Egypt. I do think that some things are like that: no matter what the choice, it would have resulted in a specific outcome because that is what is needed.

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.”

But you didn’t break me. You shaped me. Well you’re still shaping me. You didn’t break the youths, you’re moulding them: drawing them to you, by whatever means necessary.

Thank you for your loving kindness. Thank you for your corrections. Each day , help me to walk in your will. Too what you desire. Each young person to choose you everyday. To obey when you call or whisper. To spend time with you. Hold them Yahweh. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.


the words "Obey God" written in blue and pink


Yahweh, remember my family: my mother, father. I pray that they will choose you everyday. Let their hearts be yours. Let your spirit dwell in them. Thank you for the grace over their lives, may they honour you in their hearts. Thank you for them and for keeping them.

Help me to always hear you. To do what you have asked me to do. Heal this nation, this island, this church. Heal our unbelief. Heal our unfaithfulness.

It is never a wrong decision to pray. Once we choose to truly open our hearts.

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