May 5, 2022
Believe, the Lord won’t delay…
I woke up from a dream with these words echoing. It was an interesting dream. I was at our church then had to go to another, but wasn’t sure exactly how to get there but it wasn’t far. I saw someone and they said it was just up those stairs, I couldn’t miss it. My friends had already gone ahead. I went up the stairs. They were concrete, but everything was dingy.
As I walked in, I had to enter (duck my head) below some metal pipes and I’m not sure how it was happening, but we were all singing, “If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders…” I was greeting folks that I knew and those that I didn’t. But they also introduced a speaker while this was going on. As I walked to the back, someone got up to speak to a woman whose child was playing with the camera equipment. They weren’t harsh. The lady turned to the child and laughingly said that she would choose the speaker any day, and took her rag and swatted the child lightly.
The church was divided into three rows with most of the middle row to the front blocked off. Everything was dilapidated. And then I heard, not in the dream per se, just a voice, “Believe, the Lord won’t delay.”
I got up immediately after I heard the voice. It was 1:59 a.m. one minute before I usually meet with Yahweh. It took me almost twelve minutes by time (though it did not feel like twelve minutes) to write down the dream because I did not want to forget it. I don’t yet know the meaning, but I do know, “Believe, the Lord won’t delay.” Thank you Yahweh for your words. For your impeccable timing.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 – Then the Lord answered me, “Write the vision. Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly. The vision will still happen at the appointed time. It hurries toward its goal. It won’t be a lie. If it’s delayed, wait for it. It will certainly happen. It won’t be late.
Yahweh, thank you for who you are. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your love. You are the name above all names. The Almighty God. A fair ruler. You are most beautiful and I am grateful for your time with me. I’m thankful for your promises to me and your word over my life. Yahweh, you are so good. I am yours.
Habakkuk 2:20 – The Lord is in his holy temple. All the earth should be silent in his presence.
Thank you for your presence. Especially in unlikely (to my human eyes) places. You alone are God. You reign in this earth. No creature, no constructed being could ever take your place. You are worthy. You are Lord and you are the one on the throne of my heart. Yahweh anything that is not from you, I remove. Because I have to choose to remove it. My heart is yours. No other gods before you or after you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.
Yahweh, thank you for working things out. I wasn’t in office yesterday, but the guys came to check out the AC and to replace it with another. On Tuesday, we were attempting to get a long enough ladder but the rental company made a mistake and it wasn’t able to get the ladder. But we figured we will still have some time to get a ladder for the installation. Then the guys called and said that they would organize a scaffolding for them to do the job. Thank you for working things out, thank you for your love and your mercy.
When Yahweh answers the unasked prayers. Today was to be a site visit and usually I love site visits but I felt so tired that I wanted to stay in. I prepared myself for the site visit only to realize that the other officer had forgotten and had made another appointment. I (very) happily gave up mine. Whooohoooo!
[…] Dream Revelation […]
[…] were serious when you said, “Believe, you won’t delay.” Thank […]
[…] delay. I’m just thankful for your reminders and comfort. And it also took me back to my dream on May 5th – Believe, the Lord won’t delay. Thank you for your reminder, your comfort. Your promise that everything will happen in it’s […]