July 11, 2022
Being happy truly is a choice. It’s a conscious choice that we have to make at times. Now I’m not speaking about forcing happiness when things aren’t going well, but recognizing that Yahweh is good and that even if we can’t smile about how things are now, we can smile at the future.Â
Yahweh, do you know something though that I genuinely hate? The extremely hard music that people play without consideration for those around them. Sometimes I wish their systems would explode. And I’m sorry for sounding so violent, but so many times there is no peace. And sometimes it goes on for days. I think this evening, I’m just blehhh, especially because of the noise. It’s days like this when I long for the already built house. Days when I just grit my teeth and try to bear it. Yahweh, be my strength. Help me to hold steadfast to you.
Psalm 77:11-12 – I will remember the deeds of the Lord. I will remember your ancient miracles.  I will reflect on all your actions and think about what you have done.
What have you done?Â
- You saved the human race from certain destruction.
- You made me.
- You provided a home for me.
- You prepared a table before me.
- You make rivers in dry places.
- You hold my hand. (Thank you).
- You gave me breath.
- Food on my table!! (Showed up with the bills were due).
- You are my friend. I am truthfully thankful that you are my friend and that there is no one like you.
- The Joy of the Lord is my strength.
- 2 Samuel 18 -25
I think tomorrow though, I will be back in Psalms. Who knows maybe tonight, because I do feel weird. Not struggling emotionally with anything, but just feeling weird. Thank you for being here. Ohhh, of a truth: I’m looking forward to my tiny house away from this noise. It seems to truly have become a daily occurrence. Help me not to dropkick anyone.Â
On another note:Â
1 Peter 1:6-7 –  You are extremely happy about these things, even though you have to suffer different kinds of trouble for a little while now. The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as fire tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honor to God. This will happen when Jesus Christ appears again.
How do you know when you’ve passed the test? For that matter, how do you know what the test is, much less to pass it? It’s not like you come down and hand out a paper. I’m thankful that you did warn me of the test. And something just gave me pause (I really want to stop saying that something hit me. I don’t like abuse). I was actually thinking, what was the actual test? And I’ve kinda been wondering for everything, is this the test? Is this? Is it a mental test? Physical? Financial? And what cause me to pause was – maybe it’s a test about “just” trusting you. And truthfully I don’t know if it’s that, but I do have to remember to trust you in all seasons, at all times. Trust you. Trust your word. Trust your promises. Trust. Yahweh, help me to trust you no matter what the test or tests are. Because you are God.Â
I just remembered an article I read today. One that states that you threw a hissy fit at the tower of Babel because you felt threatened by humans. And initially I wasn’t going to respond because you don’t need a defender, but you know what I thought about? What about those who read that article and believe the nonsense because no one rejected it? And the truth is, so much bad continues in this world because we don’t bother to challenge. And since you’ve called me to be a challenger (lol), I guess I need to get challenging.Â
With pleasure (sometimes).