time with Yahweh during the day
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September 25, 2022


Yahweh, thank you for your healing power. For restoration in you. Thank you for groceries. Actually was able to go to the grocery this month. I pray for continued guidance. Yahweh, straight up, thank you for everything. I don’t always know what to say.

Luke 1:38 (KJV) – And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Luke 1:38 – Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.” Then the angel left her.

Yahweh, this is my prayer. What you have said you desire for my life, I come in agreement with it. Your will Yahweh. For your glory. Sometimes you hear a scripture: and you’ve heard it before, but at that moment it just stands out? Luke 1:38 just did that. This is my prayer, I am yours according to your word.


Sermon Notes

1 . We have to expect doors to open. Yahweh. I’m here. Your will. There don’t appear to be any open doors before me right now. But I pray for your spirit to know when you’re opening doors. To know which door to walk through. Or when to bang down a door. Open my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my heart to know.

2 . Your gift unlocks doors. Whatever Yahweh has given me is to be used to open doors.


Proverbs 18:16 – A gift opens doors for the one who gives it and brings him into the presence of great people

Confession: I’ve always shied away from being well-known. Think it stems from “popular” people acting entitled, rude and don’t care about how their acts affects others.

I remember some years ago, a woman bounced my car. My car was parked. It was parked there when she got into her vehicle and drove off. But she bounced my vehicle. I did not make a fuss, but she started saying, how, she didn’t know where the vehicle came out from. But it was the, “Do you know who my husband is?” question that got me. She called his name. I said no. Truthfully, I knew who he was. Yahweh, forgive me for lying. But she apparently expected that I would just go away and say okay, I’ll fix it just because of who her husband is. But…instead I stood my ground. The car needed to be fixed. I had no problems not going to the insurance, but the car needed to be fixed and your husband is one of the richest businessman on the island – he can certainly pay to fix it.

I spoke to her husband and he sent me to his straightener. They fixed the car. But about a month after I got my car, the straightener calling me because he was not paid by the man and he wanted me to pay. My response?  No. Please contact the man. I believe (I hope), he did get paid. But so often the rich behave this way, but they have the money! Yahweh, this is my promise, when you have blessed me with financial blessings, I’m not gonna cheat anyone out of their wages. I will not move with a sense of entitlement. Confidence – absolutely. But not entitlement to things that aren’t mine. This is my prayer. Amen.

3. Take time to seek direction before choosing a door.

4. Pay attention to what God is doing (as you walk through the door).


Isaiah 30:21 –  You will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way. Follow it, whether it turns to the right or to the left.”


Yahweh, I pray that I don’t miss your voice and direction in this life you’ve given me. Help me to know which way to go: which door to walk through. I know that you are moving and even though I don’t see it, in your appointed time it will be manifested. Help me not to run from your guidance. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


the words "Seek God" written in black and red

Yahweh, Dear God. I come before you at this moment seeking your guidance. I pray for revelation if at any point I spoke against what you desire for me, that it would be made known to me. Help me to repent and to stand, kneel, come before you, as you desire. My life is yours. I pray for your continued grace. Your will. Your word. The things that may not seem good at the time, but you have ordained to develop me. Help me to rejoice in tribulation and to be constant in prayer. Help me to walk the path you have called me to and to know the paths that you have set before me. Yahweh, I loosen in your name, any curse that may be bound unto me and I bind it in hell by your name. You are powerful and matchless. You are exalted above the heavens. You are exalted in the earth. Thank you for your promise. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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