time with Yahweh during the day
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November 5, 2022


To thine own self be true. I am still upset. But I realise it’s when certain things happen. Yahweh, I pray for the church in 2023. I will keep my faith in you because I don’t have any faith in Q. He is divisive based on what I see. But he was selected. I ask for your grace to do your will and humble myself. I pray that he humbles himself before you. Yahweh, this is your church. This is your people. We are so far from perfect, but you still love us.

Confession: I’ve been making the books even on Sabbath because it’s therapeutic in nature, but I guess at the end of the day it is work. I like it though. Why do so many of the best ideas come on Sabbath? And once again, you answer before I finish. Because I would have slowed down and been able to listen to your quiet voice. The muse part of you. BTW, I don’t believe that your voice is always quiet. But it’s always good.

Yahweh. My finances. My ministry. Our finances. Our ministry. I pray for your overflowing blessings. I pray for your grace. That there will be abundance and not lack. That there will be rivers in what was once barren. Bless us. To do your will. Guide us. I will walk the path you have set before me. I will honour with every cent. I pray that the choices we make would be beneficial to you. Would draw others closer to you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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