February 10, 2023
2:10pm : sitting in my worship centre – the vehicle
There are moments when you wonder if Yahweh is hearing and answering because truthfully at times you don’t see the moves. I was just speaking with the customer that was accused and almost charged yesterday and I told her that we had no idea that any of that was going on. We had no idea that the police were on site. But we decided to visit the area and walked into the situation. But I am thankful that we listened to Yahweh’s whisper. I am thankful that you directed us and allowed us to divert a potentially (huh wasn’t potential, it was actual) dangerous situation. Thank you for your grace and providence. For showing that you care. For your protection. Thank you.
7:18pm : all ready for bed
Thank you for the prayers.
“Too many storms have passed your way
And you’re all washed out cause it rained on your parade.
Seems nobody cares about you anyway.
Now you’re living your life like a castaway.”
Thank you for the encouragement. True story (well you know it is). I just went searching online for an answer to this question: is it okay for a Christian to feel lonely? Because I do. I truly desire a companion in so many ways and I’m trusting Yahweh for his promises and I know that he answers prayers because as I typed in and started reading – a message was sent saying Happy Sabbath and then this song – Be Blessed. But the words are what caught me. And I started to cry cause you ever feel like you’re always there for others but then there’s no one there for you? That’s how I was feeling. But I am thankful for the reminder. That he is there for me.
“Cause I spoke to God, I called out your name and on your behalf I just asked, if he would be there for you.”
I want you to be blessed.
Don’t live life in distress.
Just let go, let God. He’ll work it out for you.
I pray that your soul will be blessed,
Forever in his hands, for you deserve his best, no less.”
Thank you for holding me in your hands. Thank you for being that wonderful, awesome, amazing God who is big enough to hold all of us and cares for all of us. You know us and love us and I am thankful. I am amazed. I love you. Thank you for loving me.
What am I thankful for?
- A song that came in time.
- A friend being completely amazed by the providence and grace of Yahweh. She thought I knew what was going on yesterday, but me showing up at the site was 100% God as I had no clue that there was drama.
- Yahweh will never let go of my hand.
Thank you Yahweh, I love you.