August 4, 2022
It’s the middle of the last day of training…
And I didn’t even finish my thought and no longer remember what it is. I am thankful though for the training. It’s been so long since I’ve had any “official” training that I had truly forgotten how it was. I do learn on my own, but it’s still nice to have official training.
Today I recognised something though. Many officers don’t seem able to read fluidly out loud. And maybe a public speaking class is needed with a focus on reading from a scripted document. Some flat out refused to read out loud, but they are fantastic ad-lib speakers. I’m gonna say thank you for the skill you’ve given that I didn’t even recognise (until today) as a skill that not everyone has.
Bank Errors
Tears. Tears and more tears. The bank made an error. Actually both banks made an error. One took out more funds than they were supposed to and funds to pay a bill, for gasoline etc was taken out. They said it would be reversed to the account, but it hasn’t happened to date. So seriously out of pocket. I’ve been praying about it. How I’m making it through this month. And honestly every month just seems to be getting harder and harder. I’m only purchasing the bare essentials – by bare I mean bare and still things getting tighter. One thing I promised was that I would not complain. Wasn’t sure how to fix the issue but I would not complain. Been choosing to worship instead. But at times it comes to mind and I have no clue what to do.
Then my sis-in-law stated that she was coming up and usually we go all over the place doing stuff and she asked what we would be doing. And I had to tell her that financially I don’t have the funds to do anything. Three hours later she transferred funds into my account. I was in tears. Thank you! Thank you!
Everyday I am holding on to you. I am choosing to live out the scripture Habakkuk 3:17-18. Even if. And I will praise you. Even if things don’t work out the way I desire them to. Even if I cry out at times under the strain, I will trust you. Thank you for your provision and your love. Thank you for who you are. I love you.