time with Yahweh during the day
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May 7, 2022


It’s confirmed. The devil is attacking those around me. Yahweh, I pray for Jay. He is at the stage where the words that are spoken have the power to lift or destroy. Guard him, Yahweh. I pray that he seeks your face in all things. That he will get to know you and will trust you.

I am thankful that he felt safe enough to speak up about what he was told, but I pray that as a people we would stop looking at outward appearances and leave judgment to you. I know that correction is necessary, but correction should come from you, from what you determine to be wrong, not from a matter of my personal preference.

Not gonna lie, it feels like a cycle. Twenty years ago another young man at another church was also attacked because of his hair and to see the same thing happening again! Put ah hand! Cause it’s tiring. I am very, very thankful (like very) that the anger I felt did not control me. But it was also heartbreaking to see how the young man felt because of what was said to him. 

I pray that he grows stronger in you. That he continues to live for you. Thank you Yahweh for your unconditional love and the way you correct us. To quote David: I would rather be at your mercy than the mercy of man. Thank you Yahweh for your care. I love you.

Call from an Old Friend

Today, I got a call from an old friend (we laughed about how we had changed. Lol). It was nice catching up. He is always jokingly but seriously asking about my love life. Not relationship with Yahweh love, but significant human other love. He started laughing (mostly in disbelief) when I said what season I’m in right now. Actually said that he believes that I was afraid to put myself out there. I smiled and said, “I had a choice, I had to trust Yahweh or trust him. I can’t trust him with the little things and not the bug things and if he said, I had to take this time, I had to take the time.” 

He actually got a bit serious at that point and asked if I had changed as a result. If I was actually working on things. The answer was a resounding yes. And that’s the truth. (Singing) I’ve been changed. Healed. Freed. Delivered. (I won’t go back, William McDowell). And that feels fantastic, but I will hold on to Yahweh and believe in him and his promises, because he won’t be delayed. 


You know something else that I realised this evening? I’m not just a bridge, but I am also called to confront things that are wrong. I’ve come to realise that I’m usually always placed in situations that require me to challenge the status quo. To not just accept that what is, is what should be. And also when others are accused/attacked. It’s not until this evening as I caught the disapproving eye of someone that I recognised that. 

So many times I’ve had to stand up, often by myself initially. But I am thankful for your strength the times I’ve had to. And I hadn’t even realised it at the time, but you were there all the time. Annnnnnd, note to self: yes challenge when needed but don’t challenge Yahweh. Probably can ask a question…did you really want me to do that? But if he says, he says. 

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