time with Yahweh during the day
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February 18, 2022


Yahweh. Calm my spirit. You did not give me a spirit of fear. Our department is apparently to be restructured/reviewed. The department responsible has been saying for years that they can’t hire staff for us because they can’t find the approval for the current iteration of our department. Sigh. I have seen the work of these individuals before and honestly hearing this unsettled me. Not in a good way. But and I thank God there is a but, I will put my hope in Yahweh. He is ultimately in charge and even though things may not look promising based on past experiences, I need to remember who holds the future. Yahweh, it’s in your hands – well my worry, because every action has always been in your hands. I will trust you. Thank you for your promises, for your love and your grace. Thank you for who you are. You are worthy to be praised. I give you all the glory.

You know. There’s so much that I have to unlearn. Honestly it’s always been the thought that you’re not supposed to profit from your ministry. Why would I think that? Because, I don’t even know, but it’s there. The truth is, a person’s ministry should not exploit anyone (and if it does God did not give that ministry), but if called to something especially full-time, then he expects that is what will be used to support you or me. Definitely, I have no problems with the church paying for services (yes volunteering is awesome and necessary), but I do believe that if your business is the church, then the church has to mind your business. Make sure that you’re sorted. But somehow I mentally didn’t apply that to ministries outside of the “church.”

Psalm 128:2 – You shall eat the food of the labour of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you. 

Yeah, I have a lot of unlearning to do and it’s funny I’ve always used the example of the Levites as to why the church needs to “pay” folks. But I also have to recognize that the nature of ministry has changed since then, so they won’t “eat” the same way that they did then. And I’m not even sure if these are the right words, but that’s the idea.

Minding My Own Business And…

Hmmmm. When you’re minding your business and a discussion is being held in your vicinity. 

A few weeks ago, someone was sharing the experience where they were asked for donations towards a school’s computer lab. As the story goes, he said he would get back to them and then he called his brother who lived in the United States to find out if he could contribute. The brother committed to a certain amount.  Five minutes ago, I went to buy another journal and as I’m cashing, a conversation is being held (yes, it’s all by folks that I know and I guess that’s why they spoke so openly), but in this part of the story it’s being said, “I I told the person to call their brother!” This was repeated several times and I was not minding their business. I’m not sure why this information was available for me, but I have learned that Yahweh makes some things known for a reason. 

Sigh. You’re really schooling me today and I’m thankful for that. I’m at the gym later than I usually like to be and was considering if I should just go home. And I pronounced that unless I’m sick or…and I stopped. Because the spirit whispered, “And that’s the same thing that applies to everything else including time with me.” I was going to say unless I was sick or so tired that I can’t really function. This morning I felt guilty for meeting with you later than usual. I was so tired. I asked for forgiveness, because I honestly felt so guilty. But you weren’t mad. Not gonna lie, even the scripture I read made me feel guilty. I’m sorry for wrongly assigning things to you. And it’s kinda funny that I would be even later to the gym because I stopped to write. But I want to remember the things you reveal, because you know, human and I forget. But even in this, I want to remember. Help me to remember.

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