September 25, 2022
I just came to praise the Lord.
I just came to praise the Lord.
I just came to praise his holy name.
I just came to praise the Lord.
Good Morning to the only true God. Good Morning to my Father, Friend, Mentor. Good Morning to the Lord and Saviour of my life. Good Morning. Thank you for another day. Thank you for seeing it fit to give me breath in my lungs today. Thank you for loving us so completely that you chose to die to redeem us. Even though we did not deserve it. Even though we messed up and so far from perfect. You still chose to save us.
I am sorry for my sins. I am sorry for the choices we make intentionally that separates us from you. It’s not what you desire. And it’s not what we need. Yahweh, forgive me for the bitterness and anger that is building or was building against some of our leaders in the church. We are not perfect and even though their actions hurt, I don’t want to hold hate and anger in my heart. Help me to truly forgive. I thought I had until yesterday when I realised that it bothered me that they left early. The thing is others did too, but I didn’t hold it against them. Thank you for placing someone in my life who pointed it out without casting judgement themselves. Thank you for your grace in our lives. Thank your for living an example of what it means to love others and to show that love to others.
Yahweh, help me not to shrink. I know what you are calling me to do. I know that when in worship, it’s not about what others think. Looking back at yesterday, I realise that I feel more “free” to worship you in other churches than at mine. And that’s not a good thing. Help me to fully embrace who I am in you at all times. To not be afraid to worship you in spirit, in truth. Because you deserve all the glory. Thank you for still working on me.
Well, I thought I just came to praise you, but!! Clearly you had other thoughts and I am thankful for them. Thank you for directing me. Sometimes, I truly think it’s something that I forgave or resolved and then it’s like, nope. You got something to deal with. Thank you for your correction. I love you.
The Lord’s Prayer – Phil Thompson
I’m sitting here in the dark using the light from the phone to write this. Why? Electricity just went. Not sure when it’s coming back.