April 16, 2022
(Shame face) I’m a bit embarrassed to say this, but I’m kinda glad it’s raining. I wanted the hike but also wanted the rest, but because of the type of hike, if there is moderate to heavy rain a day or so before, I would not take folks there.
Thank you Yahweh for today. It’s a new day. What do you have planned for me today? I am waiting with eager anticipation. Each day is a gift from you, a fulfillment of your promise and I just want to thank you for being a promise keeper. Thank you for being true and for showing me who you are and taking the time to teach me, to prepare me, to discipline me as my father. I can’t thank you enough for being my father: that example of who I can aspire to be. The example of what I should seek in others.
Yahweh, I pray for “the men.” You are not just my father, you are also theirs. You are there to show them how to be a father and to be a father to them. I pray that they look to you no matter what they are going through (or maybe especially because of what they are going through).
Help them to find their security in you. Help them to know that in trusting you, they now have the opportunity to do wonderful things for you and for those around them. Leave them in the part that they should go. You are a light to them, illuminate them so that they walk true and that they would be a reflection of who you are in this world. Men’s hearts are feeling them for fear, but your love can remove any fear. Your love can re-write any story. I pray that they would open themselves to you, to live in that love, to understand (as much as humanly possible) that love. To show that love to their family. Yahweh, keep them in your will. Where the covenant with you has been broken, may they repair the breach and restore the house to you, even if it’s a house of one. Thank you for moving in their life. Thank you for your grace over them, for surrounding them and protecting them. You are faithful beyond imagination. And all your promises are yes and amen.
Jeremiah 31:33 – But this is a promise that I will make to Israel after these days, declare the Lord: I will put my teaching inside them and I will write these teachings on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people.
CONFESSION: I used to wish I had a photographic memory so I could remember everything I read. I don’t, trying to, but I don’t. I am thankful that you are writing your teachings in my heart and even if I don’t remember the words line for line, I remember the principle taught. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for showing me who you are and for fulfilling your promises.
The truth? It can be a bit overwhelming reading about you, getting to know you. It’s like sitting at the banquet table a mile long: the table laden with food and we’re invited to eat. We call others to come and share and still it doesn’t end. We eat until we’re full, it is digested and we’re back and it still doesn’t end. That’s you.
You are the beginning and the end, but in you there is no beginning and no end. You go on forever. But for today, I will focus on today, because in your bounty you are sufficient for today.
Sufficient: It can give the impression of barely meeting our needs, but you can’t be an endless bounty yet barely meet the needs.
Sufficient: Measuring up to all the standards without question.
2 Corinthians 9:8 – Besides, God will give you his constantly overflowing kindness. Then, when you always have everything you need, you can do more and more good things.
This is sufficiency in Yahweh’s eyes.
In moments of quiet, when I think of all you have moved in me and in my life, I am in awe. Sometimes I wonder (but only for a second), if it’s too good to be true. But you are true, and you are good. So I know that it is good and true. And that I just need to keep stepping out in you, because you are faithful.
You can’t merge faith and human opinions.
Yahweh, I don’t want to live a life most ordinary. Not talking about fame etcetera, but I desire to live a life that is traversed by you. Where I see you in every moment and I’m left speechless every time. Every miracle is a credit to the God who performed it, not the vessel who believed for it.