March 21, 2022
“All things to all men.” I know I totally used this phrase out of context earlier, but it did have me thinking. As Christians are we truly supposed to be all things to all men? What did Paul really mean? Because I’ve heard pastors say that we have to ensure that everyone has all that they need physically and spiritually and somehow to me that seems impossible. The average person can’t even be all that they need for themselves, how are they to do that for others?Â
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 – Although I’m free from all people, I have made myself a slave for all people to win more of them. I became Jewish for the Jewish people. I became subject to the laws in Moses’ teachings for those who are subject to those laws. I did this to win them even though I’m not subject to his teachings. I became like a person who does not have Moses’ teachings for those who do not have those teachings. I did this to win them even though I have God’s teachings. I am really subject to Christ’s teachings. I became like a person we can fit to win those who are weak and faith. I have become everything to everyone in order to save at least some of them. I do all this for the sake of the good news in order to share what it offers.Â
First thing to observe, Paul said he is subject to Christ’s teaching. So whatever he does, it is still according to what Christ says should be done. But then is Paul a chameleon? I’m reminded of the story of a group of people who were blindfolded and then “met” an elephant. They were asked to describe the animal afterwards. One said, “It was as solid as a tree trunk.” Another said that it was flat and floppy and so on. They were all correct, but it did not describe the whole animal, just a part that they encountered. What does that mean for us and Paul’s statement? I guess it should be that when we are sharing the good news we need to be approachable. It’s not about being something that we’re not or false representing Yahweh, but recognizing that people often listen to those who have something in common with them. So if they “see” Yahweh as flat and floppy, don’t start off by arguing that he’s not. But acknowledge that yep, he’s flat and floppy. Show joy that at least they know that part of Yahweh and show that you do too. Then you open their eyes to the other aspects. So eventually they can do the capacity of who Yahweh is: the one who is truly all things to all men.Â
Following Yahweh’s Prompting
Writing helps. It helps to calm my frustration. Lord, Father, Jesus, Saviour, All your names. Healer, defender, friend. We need your intervention. I’m begging (begging with the acknowledgment and acceptance that everything is according to your timing, but I am pleading). We need your hand with our staffing issues. Going through a file and indicating that since the person did not submit the necessary documents to the department before death, then the survivors would be required to administrate for the property. I must say thank you for whispering to me and for guiding. And I’m grateful that I followed your prompting. I found in the incoming book, the record of the document being received by the department. It is nowhere in the file. Nowhere.Â
Thank you because I would have gone in stating wrong information and acting on a wrong premise. Thank you for your protection. Your guidance. I will trust you to also take care of the staffing concerns. Thank you for who you are. Pray for us. This one thing I know, you’re still in control.Â
Gym Chronicles
Omg!! I’m excited! I can’t believe it: gym chronicles. Chest is not my favourite body part to exercise, that and shoulders but I do it. Probably because it makes me feel weak. Every couple of weeks I try to increase my weight or my reps. Today I intended to increase the weight by five pounds and then jumped on the chest press. I made the number of reps (barely, struggled, prayed, but made it). When I got off the machine to change the weight for the next exercise, I realised that I hadn’t increased the weight by five pounds, I had increased it by fifteen! Shock!! Mouth dropped. Can’t believe I did that!!Â
Little gym story from today. Now I may not be the most financially savvy person, but I don’t believe in not using something I spent money for. The gym has a trainer available, no additional cost. You can choose to use the trainer, do your own thing or bring your own trainer. There was a young lady sitting in the gym when I got in. I honestly thought that she was just wrapping up with exercise, only to find out that she spent an hour sitting, waiting for her personal trainer. I was flabbergasted. I’m paying for the gym. Trainer or not, even if it was just cardio (just? Sheesh, cardio does kick my butt some days), I would have done something! Sigh. Everybody different, yes.Â
And another milestone(ish). I actually did several lunges today. Since my knee was damaged several years ago, lunges have been painful to do so I haven’t. Decided to try today and yayyyy! I was able to. Slowly, but was able to.