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April 24, 2022



  1. One organic view on the FB page! Lol. Haven’t promoted anything yet since the blog page isn’t live. But hey! It wasn’t me. I’m still in shock about Instagram though. 
  2. Collected straight from the tree mangoes! (Couldn’t eat any though). 
  3. Much needed rest. It’s not age. It’s not age. But the going all day and ¼ night takes a toll. 

My aim is to follow where Yahweh leads. Sometimes the directions are as clear as mud and other times as clear as newly minted glass. This month praying and fasting. Serious praying and fasting. What is super interesting? This is a month where there’s so many celebrations that would normally involve food. My birthday, dad’s birthday, Easter. Mango season (not a real celebration, but it should be). Each day I have to make a choice to continue or to give up. What do I hope to accomplish? In the end, whether there is a reward or not, I hope to know Yahweh better. I hope to understand me better. I hope that…and I just stopped myself. Why? Yahweh is the Hope for the future, but he has revealed himself to me already. He has given me courage to take steps that if you had asked me a year ago to do, I would have said no. This month has been an experience in trusting Yahweh completely. Thankful that he continues to be faithful. I’m thankful for the way you are changing me which is ironic because you never change. 

I am thankful for every gift that you have given me. Honestly some weren’t used heavily because I never figured out a way to use them for you. The truth is, the way that they could be used to their full potential all required a public face. And it truly just hit me that with the exception of administration none of the gifts you gave me allows me to hide in the background which is where I have always preferred to be. FYI (though you already know), I’m in quiet shock at the moment. Are you saying that I can’t hide? That I can’t keep hoping for the blessings without stepping forward into the light? I can do all things through you. All things work together for the good. 

Psalm 119:91 – All things continue to stand today because of your regulations, since they are all your servants.

Acts 7:50 – Didn’t I make all these things?

2 Timothy 2:7 – Understand what I’m saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things


2 Timothy 1:6-7 – You received a gift from God when I placed my hands on you to ordain you. Now I’m reminding you to fan that gift into flames.  God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment.

Thank you for your confidence in me. Which is truly confidence in you, because I can do nothing without you. I’m not even sure how I feel but I do know that you’re guiding me. I’m going to write what just happened here because I don’t want to forget. Yahweh, I always want to recognize your leading and follow it. Sometimes it can seem so subtle it can be missed. Other times it’s like a foghorn. This was somewhere in the middle with a leaning to subtle. 

All things. It just shook me that after writing that “I can do all things,” that is another saying with all things and I wondered what other “all things” were in scripture and so I did a search. 

SIDEBAR II: I am thankful to live in a world where Bibles are searchable! Thank you. 

For each scripture that I found on the app, I did a quick search on my phone just to make sure that other translations also said “all things.” Sitting here, you know I’m also surprised that I didn’t just change the translation on the app which is what I usually do. For the other scriptures, the text came up and I saw that yes all things were there. Then I searched  2 Timothy 2:7. And at the top of the page 2 Timothy 1:7 came up with 2 Timothy 2:7 on the page lower down. Honestly just hit me, because in my mind I was still questioning whether I should be doing the blog etc. Sucker punch. As I went to the scripture, I did what I usually do – read the Scripture in context.  And read about receiving a gift from God that should be fanned into flames. 

Yahweh, I will not be ashamed to tell others of you. Whatever way else you call me to, publicly or privately, I will not hide. But Imma lean heavily on you, because in you is my strength. In you is my peace. It is in you, I move. Thank you for moving me to your room. Thank you for your love and for your guidance. Thank you for your “all things.”

Psalm 106:2 – Who can speak about all the mighty things the Lord has done? Who can announce all the things for which he is worthy of praise?

I can’t. But I will try. 

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