November 9, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh.
Confession: I feel mash up. These late nights and early mornings to finish journals and planners have caught up with me. Sigh. Thank you for a new day. Another day.
Confession: I think I’m back to sleep. My eyes hurt. Well, in a bit anyhow.
1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, love each other warmly, because love covers many sins.
(can probably say that it makes us ignore red flags also).
Yahweh, sidebar: I’ll be in Trinidad next week. In San Fernando, The truth is, I would like to see Jeffers, but I don’t know how that would happen. I’m making my request known to you. Can we be able to meet? If it’s okay with you. If it’s not, that’s cool too. Next Monday is the “anniversary” of the breakup. I am truthfully thankful for where it led me to. I am thankful for the grace that you’ve shown. It was painful, admittedly. I felt like I finally met a guy that I liked a lot and had to end it. At the times when it feels like I “gave up” too soon, I remind myself of the good that came from it. Me and you. And as great as he is or as I think he is, you are infinitely greater. You are so much more amazing. You are beautiful beyond compare. You are wonderful, counsellor. Awesome. Majestic. And though weeping occurs for a time, you never leave us there. You have compassion on us. You smile on us, on me. And give us peace. Thank you for your peace that passeth all understanding.
That peace that even in the midst of uncertainty, you are there. You are working things out. You are working things out AND you are the greatest miracle. Thought that’s to us, because everything that you do is your normal but supernatural to us.
Thank you for your everlasting love that set a most awesome example for us. Thank you for all that you are. All that you are. I love you to you and back. It’s nothing compared to your love, but it’s all I got. Thank you for accepting the imperfect me and covering me with your perfect love. It truly does cover a multitude of sins. Mine. Thank you for forgiveness. For forgiving me. Cleanse me and help me to walk out each day with you.
Jeremiah 31:3 – The Lord appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness.