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April 28, 2022


Sometimes I wonder if I would have willingly done or said what these prophets were called to do. It’s not an easy job. There is no earthly reward (most times ridicule). They were often despised. It is a hard job. Serious question: why won’t you just give the vision of whatever to everyone? Why just to one or two people? Would the people have doubted it still? Would they have continued to rebel? Hmmmm. Most people did not have a relationship with you. They probably would have thought they were crazy or some form of mass hysteria.

Being a prophet is not easy or simple. Yahweh, I pray for those you have called as prophets to your people. May they speak only what you have called them to say and made their lives be a witness of you and what you represent. Help them to be honest. Honestly (facepalm), too many modern day prophets are more concerned about making money and may just be calling themselves prophets. May their actions be exposed for who they truly are. May those who are true to your calling, remain true to you. Thank you for the way you continue to use us regular folks as your instruments. Help us to walk in your way and to heed any warnings that you have given through your prophets.
Thank you for your grace and mercy and for showing me your truth about prophets. Thank you for today and for your guidance. This is my prayer in Jesus name. Amen.

Signs of a Prophet:

  1. If they speak in Yahweh’s name and it comes true. Deuteronomy 18:22
  2. What they say is in harmony with Yahweh’s word. Isaiah 8:20
  3. We need to test them. 1 John 4:1-3

Yahweh, I’m going to need to do it myself aren’t I? That will take time, but I am willing to learn.


  1. Coming off the clouds and crashing into earth. I can do this. Step by step.
  2. Hunger pangs.
  3. Yahweh is always good.

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