Morning Star
Spread the love

October 1, 2022


I am so smiling right now. It’s a new day, a new month. A new Sabbath and you gave me a new idea! And I truly want to say thank you for the idea and I’m also asking for direction on the way forward. For my personal use, it’s hands down gold. But I’m asking because I was asking about half an hour ago that I needed to get another job or source of income because what I have does not really allow me to pay off the debt in a reasonable time (Truly I would love $300,000 to drop in my lap which would pay of the debts and have extra and still live and help people). Then the idea came of making personal handcrafted journals for people.

I literally watched a book-binding tutorial (lay flat)) and then an idea of what I can do came to me and I tested it on one of my journals and it worked! It really worked!! So Yahweh, I need your guidance. Is this something that I can or should go into? It will take time. I’m not sure if there is a market for it, if people will be willing to pay, but truthfully I am excited about it, even if just for myself. I’m open. I’m willing to do the extra work to get out of debt. Help me to know the way forward and this is so not how I usually start my day with you, but the idea came and it really resonated with me.

Thank you for your imagination. Thank you for the ways you show your love. Thank you for this new day and your love and just everything. Your never-ending grace. Yahweh in this new month, I pray for your continued guidance, that I would have an open heart and an open ear to see you, to hear you and to follow where you lead. To trust you in all things and beyond what I can see.

I’m open Yahweh to you and to do all that you are calling me to do. Thank you for your love and your grace. I’m open. I love you.

Yahweh, I am so thankful for all that you have promised. I am not just open, I’m also handing it, all of my life, over to you. You are the source of my strength. You are the one who fights our battles. Well. Not my battles any more, but definitely I am open to your commands. Your will to be done in my life. To do the work. You work miracles, but you also call us to work. Here I am Yahweh, I will go (to work).


I just finished making one of the journals as this one is almost finished. Two days ago the thought came to me (and I totally believe it was from you) to print on the paper giving it a definite front because I knew that based on my immediate financial limitations that I may not be able to purchase journals and decide to make my own for the rest of the year. The way they were held together looked okay. I had accepted it, but I wasn’t loving it. But this looked finished and I didn’t even have the best binding material. All I had was yarn. But it looks so beautiful. So I truly want to thank you. Wherever you lead I will go. I love you to you and back.

I believe that this is from you. The ideas of how to bind just keep flowing. Even for hard cover. (Have to practise that one too. Well all of them), but there is some serious potential. Literally as I was ironing, some older journals that I had purchased and are always in front of me literally jumped out at me. This one was a stitch bind similar to the tutorial I had seen. Yahweh, I pray for the grace to move forward in you. To do what you are calling me to do. Truthfully I’ve said that having a second job is not something that I would not want to do, but I am open to doing things differently. The estimated time to make one book is about 45 minutes to an hour. Once there are people who are interested, I can prep certain things beforehand, namely the interior pages. The customizable would be the covers, any inserts and the type of band. And the thought just came to me to ask Amiya to partner for the social media promotion and orders. Yahweh, thank you. Like thank you, thank you.

This morning, I was listening to a sermon on Jehosaphat and it spoke about the reality that the battle belongs to the Lord. Yahweh, told them what he would do then did it. This morning at church the speaker called out the scripture – Isaiah 31:1-2. So I looked at the scripture and smiled when I saw the heading, “The Lord, not the Egyptians will protect his people from Assyria.” And so I started to read. And then the pastor repeated the scriptures, it was actually Isaiah 61: 1-2. But I do believe that this was a message from Yahweh. To rely on him, not on Egypt or horses. But on him. He doesn’t take back his words. Then it went on to say.

Isaiah 31:5 – The Lord of Armies will defend Jerusalem like a hovering bird. He will defend it and rescue it. He will pass over it and protect it.

Thank you Yahweh for your word and your promises.

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