Morning Star
Spread the love

April 21, 2022


You are the God of restoration. You discipline, correct, teach, plead with your people when we go astray (as we seem prone to do). We may (may?!!) have to go through the consequences of our disobedience, but in every instance, despite our hard-headedness, once we turn our face to you, you restore. And in all of the instances the restoration is so complete, so encompassing, so amazing that we are left in wonder that you did all this. That’s you, in spite of a million and one disasters, you made a million and two ways of restoration. 

Thank you Yahweh for your Restoration in my life. Your dawn is like a noonday and you promised that when you restore and when you return we won’t even need the sun and the moon because your light would be so bright. 

One of your promises said that if (and only if)  we can make the sun and the moon stop shining you would not keep your promise of restoration towards your people. 

Jeremiah 33:20-21 – This is what the Lord says. “Suppose you could break my arrangements with day and night so that they wouldn’t come at their proper time. Then my arrangements with my David could be broken, and he would not have a descendant to rule on his throne. The arrangements with my servants to Levitical priests could also be broken.”

In short: his Covenant can only be broken if we can stop the sun and the moon. And since we can’t…

But the best part? Yahweh comes and makes a new covenant, one that completely eclipses this one. When his restoration is complete (when he returns) he will replace the sun and moon himself with himself. 

Isaiah 60:20 – Your sun will no longer go down, nor will your moon disappear. The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sadness will be over. 

We count the sun and moon as visible constants. That’s what Yahweh will become when he restores the earth – that visible constant that everything else revolves around. And even though the sun and moon will cease their function, Yahweh did not (will not) break his Covenant with David. He, a descendant, will be sitting on the everlasting throne.

You can’t tell me that Yahweh ain’t good. You can’t tell me that we can’t believe what he says. Even when he no longer needs to keep his promises. Even when we’ve seen the conclusion, the result of his promise, he is still keeping them.  Thank you Yahweh for being a covenant keeping God. For working in our lives in such a powerful, unmistakable way. You are my God, you are my king and you will reign forever. You reign now and forever. 

We will no longer have to hear about violence in the land. I am truly looking forward to that day. When there is no more violence. Right now, it seems that all there is is violence on every side and it is so overwhelming. But you promise that there would be no more violence – that our walls would be called salvation and our gates praise. (Isaiah 60:18)

Which is such a powerful image. You are our salvation. You are our walls. You are the one who ultimately is the repairer of the breach (Isaiah 58:12) and we enter through our praise to you. Thank you for who you are. Your all encompassing, power and grace. Your unbreakable covenant with us. Thank you for seeing us as worth it – thank 6oi for saving us, for loving us so completely, that heaven and earth can’t stand in your way to save us.

You are beyond words. You are worthy of every honour and glory. Thank you. I know it’s the simplest words, but it’s the best I can do. Thank you. I love you.



You’re worthy of it all.

You’re worthy of it all.

For from you are all things.

And to you are all things.

You deserve the glory.


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