Notes Soli
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They both have only one chapter.

2 John 1:1 – From the church leader. To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love because we share the truth. I’m not the only one who loves you. Everyone who knows the truth also loves you.

The truth? I feel like I’ve never read 2 John. The start is giving me the warm fuzzies. Sometimes I have to ask the question, where did this type of sisterly/brotherly love go? We need to get back to that type of love.

2 John 1:5 – Dear lady, I’m now requesting that we continue to love each other. It’s not as though I’m writing to give you a new commandment. Rather, from the beginning we were commanded to love each other.

Okay, definitely warm fuzzies. I know this isn’t considered the “love” chapter in the Bible, but it should be. Continue to love each other. It means they never stopped. Help us to show that love to each other also.

3 John 1:8 – We must support believers who go on trips like this so that we can work together with them in spreading the truth.

Whether the missionary or the one providing the bed for the missionary, we are all part of spreading the gospel.

3 John 1:12 – Everyone, including the truth itself, says good things about Demetrius. We also say good things about him, and you know that what we say is true.

The truth itself. This is divine truth that testifies of the good things that Demetrius has done. The truth. That is an awesome legacy to have.


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